18 best PP salads with cabbage ➝ dietary recipes

If you are looking for light and tasty dishes for proper nutrition, then we can safely say that you have found what you were looking for. Cabbage is truly the perfect ingredient for any diet. With it you can prepare a lot of dishes, side dishes, soups and, most importantly, salads that will help you lose weight. Having low nutritional value, but at the same time being rich in valuable nutrients and minerals, this vegetable will help you prepare not only dishes for everyday meals, but even for holiday feasts.

Before we get started with our simple recipes, let's understand the main rules of cooking, because even the most dietary ingredients are not the key to a low-calorie dish!

  1. It is important to correctly combine this component with other products. Adding cabbage to any salad does not make it a priori dietary. Keep an eye on other ingredients too.
  2. Do not overuse vegetable oil. Any cabbage salad can be spoiled if you generously season it with a large portion of oil. Make it a rule to add as little of this product as possible and remember that even one tablespoon of oil contains about 120 calories.
  3. If you add meat, we give preference to low-fat varieties. Low-fat chicken or turkey goes perfectly with this vegetable. Such pp options will be excellent holiday dishes.
  4. Of course, you will have to completely forget about regular mayonnaise. Its nutritional value is too high and it will definitely spoil any dish. We replace it with low-fat natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream. To add more flavor to this dressing, you can add a little mustard.
  5. If you want to add more proteins to your diet, then don’t forget about seafood. Shrimp and squid go well with Chinese cabbage and you will have an interesting and unusual version of the dish on your table.
  6. When adding an egg to your salad, remember that you can always reduce its calorie content by using only one egg white. It contains several times less calories and fat than the yolk.
  7. For those who like dishes with the addition of canned fish, you should also understand that you need to take canned food exclusively in its own juice, and not in vegetable oil. The calorie content of such products is strikingly different.
  8. Are you used to eating salads with a generous portion of fresh bread? You'll have to reconsider these habits too. What can we afford? A slice of whole grain bread or cereal crispbread.

Photo: @1155ris

PP salad with Chinese cabbage

So, here is one of the basic recipes, which you can later change to your taste.

  • 200 grams of Chinese cabbage
  • 2 boiled eggs. We remember about the yolk rule and if you have already exceeded your calorie allowance, then we can abandon the yolks and use one white.
  • 1 fresh cucumber
  • natural yogurt for dressing. In this option, you can also add the yolk to the yogurt, then you get something like mayonnaise. The main thing is to add spices to the dressing according to your taste.

What to cook for lunch at PP

Photo: @zianana

PP cole slow

Surely you have tried this salad in some popular American fast food. This dish is very popular in the southern United States and all the locals prepare it according to their own recipe! This dish is based on cabbage, carrots and mayonnaise. This salad is especially popular in the KFC chain! But there they prepare it according to their own recipe. Cabbage and carrots are cut very finely. Almost to the size of one grain of rice, and the dressing is even more surprising. In addition to regular mayonnaise, sugar, butter, milk and other ingredients are also added there. Then mix everything very thoroughly!

Of course, we cannot afford to prepare such a salad from cabbage, since its calorie content will be too high. That's why we'll make a light version!

  • 300 grams of your favorite vegetable. Finely chop.
  • 100 grams of carrots. Grate or better cut into strips using a special knife.

Now it's time to think about refueling:

  • 70 grams of natural yogurt. Even regular Activia will do.
  • 1 teaspoon mustard
  • salt and pepper to taste

Photo: @kitchenmozart

Photo: @the_happy_food_kitchen

Basic principles and rules of the diet

The basic rules of the diet are as follows:

  1. Daily calorie content should not be lower than 1200 kcal or higher than 1800 kcal.
  2. Calorie intake is adjusted depending on physical activity.
  3. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  4. Eat cabbage or dishes with it every day.
  5. They try to choose a menu that will not cause negative emotions.

Diet cabbage soup

Dietary cabbage soup is prepared without meat. The recipe involves the use of the following products:

  • 400 g white cabbage;
  • 2 pcs. carrots;
  • 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • 4 potato tubers;
  • 2 liters of vegetable broth;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • spices to taste.

Tomato paste can be replaced with 2-3 tomatoes. The tomatoes are first doused with boiling water, then the skin is removed and chopped. The cabbage is chopped, the carrots are grated, the potatoes are cut into cubes. Place carrots and cabbage in hot broth, put on fire and cook for 20 minutes. Then potatoes are added. After 5 minutes, add tomato paste and spices. Keep the pan on the stove until the potatoes become soft. Add 1 tbsp to the finished dish. l. vegetable oil.

Broccoli and chicken breast soup

To prepare the puree soup you will need:

  • 500 g chicken breast;
  • 300 g broccoli;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 4 potato tubers;
  • 1 onion;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • 100 g croutons;
  • 50 g parmesan;
  • spices to taste.

Place the meat and onion in a pan, add water and turn on the heat. The foam is removed during the process. Potatoes and carrots are cut into cubes and added after half an hour. Broccoli is disassembled into inflorescences and placed 10 minutes before the vegetables are ready. Take out the chicken breast and cut it into cubes. The meat is set aside. The soup is poured into a blender bowl and blended until smooth. Pour in the cream and heat without bringing to a boil. The finished dish is poured into plates, meat is added and sprinkled with grated cheese.

Stuffed cabbage rolls in the oven

The list of products for preparing cabbage rolls in the oven includes:

  • 400 g minced meat;
  • 100 g rice;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 fork white cabbage;
  • 300 g sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • herbs, salt and pepper to taste.

To prepare cabbage rolls proceed as follows:

  1. Remove the top leaves from the cabbage. Use a knife to cut out the stalk.
  2. A head of cabbage and rice are placed on the fire in separate containers. Bring the rice to a boil, cook for a few more minutes and place on a sieve. It shouldn't boil over. Cabbage is cooked for 5 minutes.
  3. Remove the soft outer leaves from the fork, then put them back into the pan and cook. This is done until all large leaves can be removed.
  4. The minced meat is mixed with rice, salt, pepper and one chopped onion.
  5. The bases of the cabbage leaves are cut off. Place minced meat on sheets and wrap.
  6. The blanks are placed in baking dishes.
  7. Make the sauce separately: fry 1 onion, add sour cream and bring to a boil. Add 200 ml of water. Salt, pepper, bring to a boil again. You can add greens.
  8. The sauce is poured over the cabbage rolls. The mold is placed in the oven for 45-60 minutes.

Cabbage cutlets

To prepare the cutlets you need to take:

  • 500 g white cabbage;
  • 0.5 tbsp. semolina;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 tbsp. l. lean mayonnaise;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt, seasonings and tomato paste to taste.

Semolina is poured with water so that it swells and becomes soft. The cabbage is grated. The onion is chopped. All ingredients are mixed. Take 1-2 tbsp. l. tomato paste, but you can do without it. If the mixture turns out to be too liquid, you can add a little flour. The cutlets are steamed or fried in a frying pan.

Broccoli with beef in sour cream sauce

The list of products needed for cooking broccoli with beef includes:

  • 100 ml sour cream;
  • 150 g beef;
  • 20 g grated cheese;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 potato tubers;
  • 3 large broccoli florets;
  • 50 ml red wine;
  • 1 bunch of dill.

The beef is chopped and placed on the bottom of the pot. Spices are added to red wine to taste and poured over the meat. Chop the potatoes and onions and place them on top. The pot is placed in the oven for 35 minutes. Prepare the sauce separately by mixing sour cream and dill. You can add garlic if you like it spicy, and walnuts. The pots are removed from the oven and the contents are filled with sour cream sauce. Sprinkle the dish with grated cheese on top and bake for another 10 minutes.

Cabbage pie with chicken

To prepare chicken pie, take the following ingredients:

  • 250-300 g yeast-free puff pastry;
  • 1 chicken leg;
  • 150 g young white cabbage;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tsp. sesame;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 tbsp. l. milk;
  • 1 tsp. water;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

To prepare the pie, follow these steps:

  1. The dough is defrosted.
  2. The cabbage is chopped, the garlic is chopped with a knife, the meat is removed from the bone and cut into small pieces.
  3. Fry the chicken in oil over high heat for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Add garlic and cabbage. Fry for another 7 minutes. At this time, add salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the product for 5 minutes. At the end, the lid is removed so that excess moisture evaporates from the filling.
  6. The dough is rolled out. You should get a thin rectangular layer.
  7. Place the filling in the center. The edges are left free. They retreat approximately 3 cm from the top and bottom, and 5 cm from the sides.
  8. The loose dough is cut into ray strips at a slight angle.
  9. The leison is prepared separately. Milk is mixed with water and yolk. The free edge of the dough is lubricated with a lyezon.
  10. The strips are wrapped to form a braid. If necessary, they are trimmed a little. Leftover dough can be used as decoration.
  11. The top of the pie is greased with lemonade and sprinkled with sesame seeds.
  12. The workpiece is placed in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Cabbage pie is one of the best diet dishes.

The vinaigrette

The classic vinaigrette recipe involves using the following ingredients:

  • 4 potato tubers;
  • 1 beet;
  • 4 things. carrots;
  • 3 pickles;
  • 1 onion;
  • 100 g sauerkraut;
  • 1 tbsp. beans.

Beans, potatoes, beets and carrots are boiled. If necessary, the products are finely chopped, mixed and seasoned with vegetable oil.

“Brush” salad with cabbage and carrots

To prepare the salad you need to take the following products:

  • 200 g white cabbage;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 beet;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice.

Raw vegetables are chopped: cabbage is chopped, carrots and beets are grated. All ingredients are mixed, seasoned with oil and sprinkled with lemon juice.

Cabbage salad for weight loss

If you need to prepare a super low-calorie option without using dressings and sauces, then it is best to take the following components:

  • 200 grams of cabbage. There is a secret here! To prevent the dish from being dry, you need to grate the cabbage! Then she will release the juice, which will be a wonderful dressing for our salad.
  • 1 cucumber. Cut into thin slices.
  • half an apple. Cut into small cubes.
  • lemon juice
  • salt and pepper

As you can see, this option is ideal for those cases when you have already exceeded your norm of kbju, but are still hungry. It fills you up perfectly with a minimum of calories.

Photo: @irene_matys

Photo: @fitgreengal

Photo: @vegetarian.wellness

Brush: cabbage, beet and carrot salad for weight loss

What about the legendary dish, which is popularly called brush salad?

Specially selected ingredients perfectly cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and remove excess toxins from the body. This dish option is also great to use during detox or fasting days. True, there are some nuances here too. This version of the dish is not suitable for those who have stomach problems. The high fiber content in this dish is not suitable for those who have ulcers or gastritis. If you are completely healthy, then you can safely arrange fasting days for yourself on such salads.

Most importantly, do not forget to drink enough water on this day.

  • 100 grams of cabbage. Let's chop.
  • 100 grams of beets. Cut into strips or grate. Be careful, because the beets must be raw!
  • 100 grams of carrots. We also grate or cut into strips.

For dressing, use 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, salt and pepper.

Interesting! Have you noticed how much fiber you usually consume per day? Nutritionists are sure that it must be included in the diet and that it will help you lose weight faster. On average, you need to consume about 30 grams of fiber per day. However, what seems so simple and easy can actually become very difficult. Monitor how much fiber you consume, and if you are below 30 grams, then try to start including it in your morning diet. This could be whole grain oatmeal, natural yogurt with cereals, a portion of fruit in the morning. But during lunch or dinner, you can always supplement your diet with dietary cabbage salad.


Does cabbage help you lose weight?

You may notice that after a few days of eating the cabbage diet, your body weight decreases. True, experts believe that weight becomes less not due to fat burning, but due to the removal of excess fluid from the tissues. But that's not bad either. Sometimes dietary food is poor in nutrients, so cabbage comes in handy in a limited menu.

The product contains vitamin A to maintain good condition of nails, hair and skin. Despite the fact that cabbage does not burn fat, it still helps to lose weight, as it helps cleanse the body, improves digestion, and suppresses the activity of free radicals. Thanks to the phosphorus content in the product, bones are strengthened, and this prevents fractures.

It should be noted that the cabbage diet gives a temporary effect if it is not supported by training and a constant correct diet. When a person stops restricting his diet, the lost kilograms often return with supplementation. Therefore, after the cabbage diet, you should not indulge in heavy foods. It is better to stick to proper nutrition to maintain your figure.

PP salad with Chinese cabbage and chicken

Don't know what to cook for lunch at the office? PP lunches in the office are actually very simple, especially if you have such a wonderful PP meal option. It is suitable for those who monitor their daily protein intake. By the way, do not forget that the protein intake should be at least 1.5 grams per 1 kg of body weight if you want to lose excess weight. Therefore, be sure to add lean chicken meat to your diet, because it contains a lot of protein, but at the same time a minimum of fat.

So, let's take these simple components:

  • 2 leaves of Chinese cabbage. Let's cut it.
  • 100 grams of boiled chicken fillet. We disassemble into fibers.
  • 2 boiled whites. We will have a very dietary and tasty lunch, so we do not take the yolk.
  • half a bell pepper. It will make our dish juicy.
  • 2 tablespoons low-fat sour cream
  • lemon juice
  • salt and pepper

Your lunch for the office is ready!

Options for PP dinners - simple recipes

Photo: @gotovit_sofiii

Photo: @yummyyummyitaly

Essence and features

Losing weight with cabbage is possible due to its low calorie content. 100 g of fresh product, regardless of the variety, contains no more than 30 kcal.

In order to evenly get rid of extra pounds, you need to consume no more than 1200 kcal per day, so cabbage dishes fit perfectly into the dietary framework.

Due to the fact that the body does not receive enough calories from food, it has to use its own reserves - fat reserves. In order for a person to have enough energy to perform physical and mental work, adipose tissue is burned, forming the necessary natural “fuel”.

Many people like cabbage, but it doesn't fill you very well because it doesn't contain enough fiber. Therefore, even if you are an ardent fan of this vegetable, you should not expect that getting rid of extra pounds will be easy. You will have to constantly fight the feeling of hunger, keeping yourself under control so as not to lapse into unhealthy, but tasty and satisfying dishes.

However, the fiber content, although in small quantities, has a positive effect on the digestive system, indirectly promoting weight loss. The functioning of the digestive system is improved - metabolic processes are accelerated, intestinal motility is improved. All incoming food is better digested and absorbed, without forming fat deposits.

There is no fat in cabbage at all. It contains some proteins, but they cannot fill even part of the body's needs, so the menu must include meat, fish, poultry and eggs. There are also few carbohydrates in the vegetable, and all of them are slow - the glycemic index of the product is only 15 units. This means that carbohydrates entering the body will be converted into glucose in parts, without forming excess, which could subsequently be deposited as adipose tissue.

Important: It is recommended to build a diet according to this principle: the selected menu is followed, and in between meals you can eat fresh cabbage without additives or other foods to dull your appetite.

In addition to white cabbage, you can eat any other varieties - red cabbage, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi, etc.

PP salad with Chinese cabbage and corn

If you love corn, then you will also like this simple version of diet coleslaw. Remember that you can add ingredients based on your taste preferences, and this way you will have a lot of interesting options.

The base of our recipe looks like this:

  • 200 grams of Chinese cabbage. We cut it.
  • 100 grams of canned corn. We reserve the juice from the corn so that it can be added to the dressing.
  • green onions. We cut it.
  • 50 grams of low-fat sour cream or yogurt and a little corn juice. This is our salad dressing.
  • spices to taste

Combine everything and serve with a slice of whole grain bread.

Important! The good thing about salads with cabbage on a diet is that you can always easily calculate the calorie content of the finished dish. Since such options are usually prepared in portions, it is very easy to do, and most importantly, quickly. The main thing is to weigh all the ingredients and then add up their calorie content. It is also very important to weigh and record the calorie content of the dressing itself; this is what people who are losing weight often forget to do, believing that there are no calories in the oil! Counting calories is not difficult, but if you are a beginner, then it is better to start counting calories with salads. Over time, you will adapt and be able to learn how to count calories in complex dishes!

Types of cabbage for weight loss

Sea kale

Natural kelp is a healthy food product that helps you lose weight. There are only 24.9 kcal per 100 g. The product perfectly saturates, removes excess liquid, and nourishes with vitamins and minerals. Seaweed is good for the thyroid gland and improves the functioning of the endocrine system.


The calorie content of cauliflower is 30 kcal per 100 g. The product is well suited for diets and helps to lose weight. Cauliflower improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and can be stored for a long time without losing its beneficial properties.

Chinese cabbage

Thanks to the consumption of Chinese cabbage, you can quickly satisfy your hunger and reduce your appetite. The product improves digestion and has a calorie content of 32 kcal per 100 g. It contains microelements and valuable fiber that are important for health. In terms of vitamin C content, Chinese cabbage is the leader compared to lettuce and white cabbage. When eating Chinese cabbage, carbohydrates and fats are absorbed more slowly.

White cabbage

Regular white cabbage is filled with useful substances that improve metabolism and help quickly cleanse the body of harmful deposits. The calorie content of the product is 25 kcal. Cabbage contains fiber. The product protects against atherosclerosis and stool disorders. It contains potassium, which tones muscles and rids the body of excess fluid.


Of course, it is useful to eat sauerkraut on a diet, as it regulates fat metabolism, helps remove harmful substances, and improves digestion. After eating, a pleasant feeling of satiety appears, which is very valuable on a diet. The product is rich in fiber, which means the body spends a lot of energy on its processing, burning calories.

Pickled cabbage

Pickled cabbage can be added to salads on a diet. The product gives an interesting taste. The marinade retains the properties of fresh cabbage and in most cases is healthy. Pickled cabbage is not suitable for people with heart disease and high blood pressure. The calorie content of the product is 47 kcal per 100 g.

Cabbage is very filling, contains many vitamins and helps you lose weight.

PP salad with tuna and Chinese cabbage

We have already mentioned the fact that such a salad is good to make with canned fish. The most suitable option is tuna in its own juice. This dish will not require additional dressing, so you don’t have to worry about the calorie content. Also, you can always add additional components. This dish would be an excellent lunch or even dinner.

  • 2 sheets of Chinese cabbage
  • 100 grams of tuna in its own juice. Do not confuse it with tuna in oil, they have completely different calorie content.
  • 1 fresh cucumber. Cut into strips.
  • some greens to taste
  • salt and pepper
  • You can additionally add lemon juice

Interesting. Fish and seafood are also an excellent source of protein. 100 grams of lean white fish contains about 24 grams of protein, the same as chicken fillet. This helps to greatly diversify your diet menu and prepare a lot of interesting and tasty dishes. Nutritionists insist on the mandatory inclusion of fish and seafood in your diet and remind you that you need to eat at least 240 grams of fish per week.

If you are on a diet, then preference should be given to low-fat varieties of fish - hake, cod, pike perch, carp. Also remember about shrimp and mussels, which will fit perfectly into any menu and salad with cabbage.

Cabbage diet options

Cabbage diet for 3 days

A three-day cabbage diet is relatively safe. For drinks, drink 1.5-2 liters of water daily and drink unsweetened green tea. You can also use cabbage for snacks between meals, preferably fresh cabbage dishes. It is acceptable to eat fruits to make your diet more varied and not boring. Any type of fruit is suitable, with the exception of bananas.

The diet menu is extremely simple. Instead of breakfast you need to drink tea. You should have lunch with fresh cabbage salad. It is good to use different varieties - Brussels sprouts, Savoy, white cabbage, Chinese cabbage and red cabbage. If you don’t want to make a salad, you can cook soup or prepare a stew, adding chicken or vegetables.

The ideal dinner for such a diet is a fish dish. For one meal, 210 g of fillet is enough. A good replacement for fish would be kefir or meat. For dinner, be sure to eat a salad with sauerkraut or fresh cabbage. To avoid feeling hungry while on a three-day cabbage diet, it is recommended to eat cabbage soup whenever you feel the urge to eat more than normal.

If you don’t want to eat fresh cabbage, you can choose sauerkraut. The daily norm is 1.5 kg of product in combination with rye crackers. There are 5 such meals in total. The result of the cabbage diet is minus 3 kg.

Cabbage diet for 7 days

The weekly diet is quite strict, cabbage fills most of the diet. The consumption of salt and sugar is not recommended. All varieties are eaten, but the most successful is white cabbage. Apart from this, low-calorie vegetables are suitable foods. After the diet, a break of 2 months is necessary, during which time you need to eat properly without overeating. The main dish of the diet is cabbage soups. Sample diet menu by day:

  • 1 - cabbage soup and fruit food (apples, melons, oranges are suitable);
  • 2 - cabbage soup and eating vegetables, for example, boiled potatoes without salt;
  • 3 - cabbage soup, vegetable and fruit dishes (exception - banana, potatoes);
  • 4 - you can have cabbage soup and bananas;
  • 5 - 250 g lean meat, cabbage soup, tomatoes (4 pcs);
  • 6 - meat dishes, cabbage soup, any amount of cabbage;
  • 7 - vegetable soup based on cabbage, buckwheat or brown rice.

The best drinks are still mineral water and green tea. For the morning hours, good coffee without cream and sugar is preferable. It is recommended to cook without seasoning.

Cabbage diet for 10 days

The ten-day cabbage diet, low in carbohydrates, is popular today, but potentially dangerous. You should not practice this diet more than once a year. According to other sources, you can go on such a diet several times a year, taking breaks for 2 months. The diet promises the loss of 10 kg of excess weight.

Any variety of cabbage is suitable for nutrition, and the more different types, the better. For example, the calorie content of kohlrabi is only 42 kcal, Brussels sprouts are 44 kcal, and cauliflower is even less - 32 kcal. Of course, white cabbage is good in terms of usefulness, availability and low calorie content; it contains 26 kcal. The absolute leader is sauerkraut - 19 kcal. The data given is per 100 g of product. Try eating sauerkraut instead of regular cabbage every 3 days to add variety to your menu.

On a ten-day cabbage diet, hunger attacks often occur when you want to eat everything you see. This problem can be dealt with if you eat cabbage leaves; there are no restrictions on this product. Same with green tea and water. To speed up your metabolism, drink coffee in the morning. Salt and sugar, confectionery products, flour products, and alcoholic beverages are prohibited.

A sample daily food menu looks like this:

  • in the morning, that is, for breakfast, you need to drink still water, coffee or green tea (all drinks are unsweetened, this is important);
  • you need to have lunch with boiled beef, fish or chicken (up to 200 g of meat or fish for one meal), it is also recommended to make a salad in the afternoon (fresh cabbage, butter, carrots);
  • for dinner, take the same salad with cabbage, an egg (quail or chicken), your favorite fruit, but not a banana;
  • The last meal of the day will be a glass of low-fat kefir, usually drunk after a pause of 2 hours before bedtime.

There is also a diet for a month, this is the most extreme way to lose up to 24 kg of weight. Everyone decides for themselves whether to do this or not. Of course, it is much better to exercise and eat right, it is safer.

Fasting day on cabbage

If you cannot limit yourself to food for several days, but you need to get yourself in order and cleanse your body, become lighter, then spend a fasting day. It poses no danger. The rules are quite simple: take 1.5 kg of cabbage per day. The variety can be any, the choice is huge - kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, Savoy, cabbage. It is permissible to prepare it in different ways, for example, boil it, eat it fresh, stew it, or make steamed dishes.

It is better to divide the entire amount of cabbage and make several equal meals during the fasting day. The total calorie intake is from 400 to 500 kcal. In just a day you can say goodbye to 1.5 kg of weight.

A cabbage fasting day menu might look like this:

  • stewed cabbage (or stewed cabbage with an apple) is breakfast;
  • borscht or cabbage soup is lunch;
  • salad with fresh cabbage with lemon and olive oil is an afternoon snack;
  • boiled cauliflower or broccoli (can be replaced with cabbage solyanka - 300 g) - this is dinner.

Good drinks for a fasting day are the same as on a diet. This is as much unsweetened tea as you like and clean water.

PP salad: beans, Chinese cabbage, suluguni

If you think that cabbage salad cannot be a nutritious and complete dish, then you are mistaken. We offer an option that is suitable for quality meals. At the same time, our dish will contain only proven ingredients and, moreover, even the balance of BJU will be taken into account.

What you need:

  • 60 grams of beans. These beans are in some ways unique because they contain a lot of protein and fiber. This way you immediately get a high-protein dish and also the necessary fiber. Beans can be of any variety. You can pre-boil the beans, or you can use ready-made canned ones.
  • 50 grams of suluguni cheese. The nutritional value of this product is less than that of ordinary hard cheeses, so you can safely add it to your meals. The protein content is also pleasing - 20 grams per 100 grams of product. Cut into cubes.
  • 2 leaves of Chinese cabbage. Let's cut it.
  • any greens to taste. Finely chop.
  • 1 spoon of vegetable oil + 1 spoon of lemon juice for dressing
  • spices to taste

We connect everything. This version of the salad can also be an excellent lunch at the office or dinner.

Important! Cheese is not only an excellent source of protein, but also calcium. Please note that you need to consume at least 800 mg of calcium per day. Nutritionists insist that the best way to add calcium to your diet is to include cheese, milk and natural yogurt in your diet. Just 1 glass of milk, 150 grams of yogurt and 30 grams of cheese per day will help you gain the required amount of calcium.

Photo: @completelydelicious

Photo: @paleohacks

cabbage juice for weight loss

6 petals diet, recipes Save 63 The “6 petals” diet is six sequentially alternating one-day mono-diets: fish, vegetable, chicken, cereal, curd, fruit. In this article we present some recipes for the 6 petals diet from visitors to the ABC Diets website. Read more about the weight loss method of Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson and the psychological basis of the diet in the article: 6 petals diet. List of products for recipes allowed by day of the “6 petals” diet - recommendations for losing weight.

Petal 1 – fish day diet

1. Trout baked in foil. Rub the fish with spices to taste, wrap in foil, and place in the oven until cooked. Remove the skin from the finished trout and eat!

2. Pollock meatballs with herbs. Scroll through the pollock carcasses. Finely chop the onion, dill and parsley. Add all the greens to the minced meat. Salt and pepper. Roll into balls and place on a baking sheet.

3. Steamed chum salmon Cut the chum salmon into pieces, add salt and pepper. Pour water into the bottom of the pressure cooker and add some herbs (for a flavorful broth). Place the pieces of chum salmon on the steam insert. Turn over once during cooking.

4. Baked pollock Salt and pepper the pollock carcasses. Place on a baking sheet. Place a few sprigs of dill and parsley on the cooked pollock

Petal 2 – recipes for vegetable day

1. Fresh cabbage salad with tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs. No oil! 2. Pepper stuffed with vegetables. We sauté all the vegetables in water, you can add tomato paste, but tomatoes are better. Season with spices, stuff the peppers and simmer until tender.

3. Boil the beets and grate them, add salt to taste, squeeze out 1-2 cloves of garlic. Mix and enjoy!

4. Eggplants stewed with tomatoes, garlic and herbs. Cut the eggplants into cubes, add salt, place in a colander and wait 30 minutes, then rinse and dry with a paper towel. Chop the tomatoes into a non-stick frying pan, add a little water, eggplant, and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Add garlic, herbs to taste, simmer for another 1-2 minutes, and turn off. Delicate vegetable soup with eggplant Calorie content (per 100 g) – 32 kcal You will need: 1 carrot, 2 pcs. onion, 1 small eggplant, 2 tomatoes, 1 clove of garlic, a bunch of dill, 3 sprigs of basil, salt, black pepper (corns) - to taste, 0.75 liters of water. Method of preparation: cut all vegetables: eggplants - into cubes, carrots - into strips, onions - very finely, tomatoes - into slices, dill, basil - very finely. Place vegetables in boiling water in the order listed. Cook for 20 minutes over low heat. Once ready, add crushed garlic and salt to taste. Vegetable cabbage rolls Ingredients: head of cabbage 1 small zucchini 1 small carrot 1 small bell pepper 2 tsp. soy sauce salt 400 gr. tomatoes 1 onion. Cooking recipe: Boil a head of cabbage in water until the cabbage is soft (after removing the stalk). Prepare the filling: cut the vegetables into thin strips, simmer for 5-7 minutes until soft. Add soy sauce and salt. Wrap the filling in cabbage leaves and place in a baking dish. For filling: chop and saute the onion without oil, add grated tomatoes and your favorite seasoning to taste. Pour the sauce over the cabbage rolls and bake in the oven until done.

5. Recipe for broccoli lovers Boil in salted water seasoned with lemon (squeeze half a lemon). For dressing 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice and 2 tbsp. spoons of broccoli broth. If desired, add herbs and garlic, pour the sauce over the broccoli and enjoy.

Petal 3 – chicken Peel the chicken breast from the skin, rub with salt, pepper, spices to taste and you will lick your fingers! Recipe for juicy breast: Remove skin from chicken breast, rub with herbs, wrap in foil, bake in a bag or foil until cooked. Recipe for chicken in its own juices: Place pieces of washed chicken in a thick-walled bowl, such as cast iron, if necessary, add a little salt and sprinkle with seasoning. Close the same lid tightly and simmer over very low heat for 3 hours. Do not open the lid. Do not add any water or oil; the chicken will release enough juice.

Petal 4 – cereals Baked buckwheat cutlets (65 kcal) Boil a bag of buckwheat, cool, then grind into a pate with a blender. Sauté a small onion and a clove of garlic and add it to the buckwheat. (You don’t have to add it!!!) Add chopped herbs, salt, pepper and other seasonings to taste. Mix everything well. You can twist it again with a blender. From the resulting mass we make cutlets.

Petal 5 – cottage cheese diet day You can add a little cinnamon to low-calorie cottage cheese; Dilute a couple of sweetener tablets in a small amount of water and pour it over the cottage cheese - if someone really can’t bear to eat unsweetened. It turns out very tasty! Recipe for “Gadazelili”. Ingredients: 600 g Imeretian cheese 1 glass of milk 1/2 tablespoon of finely chopped mint. Young Imeretian or Suluguni cheese, fresh or salted (pre-soak the Imeretian salted cheese), cut into thin slices, put in a saucepan with hot milk and heat, without boiling, until it turns into a viscous mass. Transfer the heated cheese to another bowl, sprinkle with finely chopped mint, mix and arrange in the form of flatbreads (one per serving). Serve the flatbreads in a deep dessert plate, pouring over the milk in which the cheese was heated. Recipe for milk soup with cheese and curd dumplings Melt 50 g of cheese in a water bath until the consistency of thick porridge, cool slightly and form balls with cottage cheese, cottage cheese inside. For 200 g of cottage cheese, stir the whites of one egg. Boil 250 ml of milk, drop these dumplings into the boiling milk. Boil for 3 minutes and you can turn it off.

Petal 6 – recipes for fruit day Green smoothie made from banana and kiwi. Take 2 kiwis, 1 banana and 50 ml of sugar-free apple juice, blend everything in a blender, and drink with pleasure! Share your recipes for the 6 petals diet Source: www.AzbukaDiet.ru

Dietary cauliflower salad

How about a cleansing cauliflower salad?

We are all used to adding this valuable vegetable to our diet at pp. Its benefits can hardly be overestimated! With this vegetable you can prepare delicious soups, purees, casseroles and much more. This is a healthy replacement for potatoes and also contains several times fewer calories. So if you adhere to proper nutrition, then this vegetable should definitely be in your diet. But today we will not cook soup or casserole, but cabbage salad. But this will not be a very ordinary salad option, since the cauliflower will be raw!

It must be said right away that such an interesting salad may not be to everyone’s taste. But it clearly has its advantages, because cabbage retains all the beneficial vitamins and minerals that are lost during stewing or cooking. So it's worth a try.

  • 150 grams of cauliflower. Separate into inflorescences and cut into thin slices.
  • 1 cucumber. Cut into half rings.
  • some greenery. Let's chop.
  • 1 spoon of lemon juice. You can also take lime juice, then the taste will be even more piquant.
  • salt and pepper

You can add just a little vegetable oil, but no more than 1 teaspoon. This dietary cabbage salad can be included in your diet during a detox diet.

PP chicken breast recipes

Can white cabbage be considered dietary?

Nutritionists agree that white cabbage has a beneficial effect on the body and helps you lose weight faster. With a low calorie content, it contains a large amount of useful substances, including fiber, vitamins, 16 amino acids, and minerals. For this reason, it is recommended to supplement the menu with dietary cabbage recipes.

Useful properties of white cabbage:

  1. 100 g of product contains only 27 calories.
  2. A large amount of tartronic acid, which inhibits the transformation of carbohydrates from food into fat. Then the weight loss process accelerates. But it should be borne in mind that after heat treatment this substance is destroyed.
  3. High fiber content. Coarse dietary fiber satisfies hunger quickly and for a long time, so the risk of overeating in between main meals is reduced. In addition, it cleanses the walls of the gastrointestinal tract from food debris and harmful accumulations, normalizes digestion, and reduces the concentration of bad cholesterol. All these factors lead to rapid weight loss.
  4. Rich chemical composition. White cabbage contains a lot of sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium and other minerals that speed up the transformation of fats into energy. The vegetable contains ascorbic pantothenic, folic acid, retinol, tocopherol, riboflavin, etc. And thanks to histidine, lysine, methionine, tyrosine, tryptophan and other amino acids, metabolic processes and cell regeneration are accelerated.

Thanks to this composition, white cabbage meets the requirements of proper nutrition, and is therefore considered a dietary product.

The ratio of BJU in 100 g of vegetable: protein - 1.8 g, fats - 0.05 g, carbohydrates - 6 g.

This is interesting! Calorie content of white and savoy cabbage - 27 kcal, broccoli - 28 kcal, Brussels sprouts - 43 kcal, red cabbage - 24 kcal, kohlrabi - 42 kcal, Beijing - 12 kcal, cauliflower - 30 kcal, sauerkraut - 19 kcal, sea cabbage - 24.9 kcal .

Be sure to check out: Diet cabbage salad: the best recipes Safe cleansing: flax seeds for weight loss Kefir on a diet: are alternatives possible Proper castling: how to replace high-calorie treats and allergenic foods on a diet

PP salad with red cabbage

An amazingly beautiful dish is obtained if you use red cabbage instead of regular cabbage. They say that this particular variety of cabbage is very popular among chefs because of how beautiful the dish looks on the table. This option is very easy to prepare. The main ingredient is red cabbage. But you can choose the dressing to your taste.

Let's take the following ingredients:

  • 150 grams of red cabbage. Finely chop. Salt and squeeze a little with your hands.
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil. Be sure to dilute it with lemon or lime juice.
  • some chopped greens

We combine all the ingredients and get an excellent salad with cabbage.

You can also prepare a version with natural yogurt dressing. Don't forget to add lemon juice and your favorite spices to the yogurt.

Photo: @californiachickencafe

Diet salad with cabbage and cucumber

Have you tried salad with cottage cheese dressing?

It sounds surprising, but in fact there is nothing simpler and tastier than this recipe for pp! To prepare this dish, you don't need any dressing! The main thing is to take grainy cottage cheese! This universal dish will help you make any salad tasty and dietary. Per 100 grams of such cottage cheese there are only 78 calories, but at the same time you still get a portion of protein! 11 grams of protein is a great addition to your diet!

So, let's take the following components:

  • 100 grams of Chinese cabbage. We cut it.
  • 1 cucumber. Cut into cubes.
  • a little chopped greens to taste
  • 100 grams of granular cottage cheese

We connect everything and enjoy. This light and simple dish can be a great post-workout dinner!

Photo: @alexcooksnyc

PP salad with cabbage and corn

Here is another delicious version of cabbage salad for weight loss. Please note that this option can even be placed on a holiday table. We are sure that guests will not at all realize that this dish is dietary.

Let's take the following components:

  • 3 leaves of Chinese cabbage. Let's chop.
  • 100 grams of canned corn. As usual, do not drain the juice completely, but reserve it for dressing.
  • 100 grams of boiled turkey. Boil the meat in salted water and separate it into florets. The nutritional value of this serving is only 130 calories. We take the fillet.
  • 1 cucumber. Cut into cubes.
  • 3 tablespoons of natural yogurt and a little corn juice
  • spices to taste

Combine and serve.

Photo: @lemonsandzest

Photo: @pes.catarian.diet

Vegetables on the menu with proper nutrition

It is worth paying special attention to the fact that this product causes thirst and dehydration. To prevent this, you should drink more than 2 liters of clean water per day.

Diet for 3 days

1 day Breakfast - oatmeal with water, cabbage and one apple.

Lunch – boiled eggs, cabbage soup and bread.

The final meal is cutlets made from lean meat with cabbage, tea.

Day 2 Breakfast – low-fat yogurt with fruit, such as an apple, is a staple.

Lunch – boiled chicken breast, bran and cabbage side dish with the addition of green peas.

Dinner – steamed vegetables, herbal tea.

Day 3 Breakfast - one percent cottage cheese with pineapples, bran toast and fermented product.

Lunch – white fish fillet, steamed or oven-baked, side dish with vegetables.

Dinner – boiled buckwheat with cabbage and tea with herbs.

Due to the fact that this fermented product contains salt, it can contribute to water retention in the body. Also, people who suffer from various diseases of the cardiac system should not use it with proper nutrition. Nutritionists indicate that this option for combating excess weight is suitable only for people with normal functioning of all organs.

PP salad with Chinese cabbage

In case you need to surprise your loved ones or just treat yourself, we offer an unusual recipe with Chinese cabbage and avocado. This salad is very nutritious and tasty, and also contains essential healthy vegetable fats.

While eating properly, it is equally important to monitor the fats you consume. A lack of these nutrients will only slow down your weight loss, and not speed it up, as many people mistakenly believe.

You need to eat at least 40 grams of fat per day! Be sure to keep an eye on this.

  • 2 sheets of Chinese cabbage
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 2 tbsp. l. natural yogurt
  • spices to taste

We combine all the ingredients and get an excellent diet cabbage salad!

Important! Dietary fats perform many important functions in the body. Like carbohydrates, fats provide us with energy, but they also contain many more calories. It's also important to pay attention to healthy fats. They are found in eggs, avocados, fish, and nuts. These are the foods you should include more often in your diet.

27 recipes for PP desserts

Photo: @littlebrokenblog

Photo: @jocooks

The best low-calorie vegetable recipes

As mentioned, the nutritional value of a dish depends on the method of heat treatment. Most of the nutrients are retained in fresh cabbage. Therefore, nutritionists advise eating more vegetable salads. It is recommended to use other fruits from the garden as additional ingredients. For dressing, vegetable oils, lemon juice, vinegar, soy sauce, low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt are used. Avoid mayonnaise and fatty dairy products.

Boiled and steamed cabbage retains maximum benefits. The vegetable can also be baked without fat or stewed. Frying is the most unacceptable way to cook cabbage when losing weight.

The calorie content of boiled white cabbage is 23 kcal, stewed cabbage is 46.9 kcal, fried cabbage is 49 kcal, and sauerkraut is 19 kcal..

In dietary dishes, white cabbage can be combined with vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products, lean meat, fish, and egg whites. You will have to avoid fatty and chemical-rich foods. The amount of salt and sugar also needs to be reduced. Subject to such conditions, cabbage dishes for weight loss will only bring benefits.

Braised cabbage

This dietary dish can be eaten on its own or used as a side dish with rice. Stewed cabbage with mushrooms will appeal to vegetarians and meat eaters. Calorie content – ​​36.4 kcal/100 g.


  1. Chop 600 g of cabbage, add salt, and remember with your hands.
  2. Place the chopped vegetable in a saucepan, add a little water, and simmer for 6-8 minutes.
  3. Chop the onion, grind the carrots, add to the main ingredient.
  4. Cut 500 g of champignons into medium pieces and add to the rest of the vegetables. Simmer covered for 15 minutes.
  5. 5-8 minutes before the end, add 2 tbsp. l. tomato juice and spices.

To decorate a dietary dish, use herbs or olives.

Cabbage casserole in the oven

Even baked goods can be low in calories, as the following dish proves. Diet egg casserole contains only 89 kcal per 100 g, but remains filling.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Shred 500 g of cabbage, using your hands to make it soft.
  2. Separately, beat 2 yolks and 3 whites (to a stiff foam).
  3. Carefully combine the protein and yolk mixture, gradually add 100 g of whole grain flour, 1.5 tsp. baking powder, salt, pepper.
  4. Mix the batter with cabbage, pour the mixture into a silicone mold (without oil).
  5. Cover the top of the dough with foil and bake for about 60 minutes at 180-200 degrees. 15 minutes before the end, open the pie so that it becomes golden brown.

Sprinkle the cooled casserole with chopped dill and green onions.

Bonn soup

A light and tasty dietary soup will help satisfy your hunger at lunchtime. The dish contains only 12.2 kcal per 100 g, so it can be consumed even during strict diets.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Chop 400 g cabbage, chop 100 g celery root, 2 green paprikas, 3 tomatoes, 1 onion, carrots.
  2. Boil 1.5 liters of water, throw in cabbage, onions, sweet peppers, celery root, 100 g of celery greens, tied into a bunch.
  3. Then remove the celery greens from the broth, add tomatoes, salt, spices, cook for another 5 minutes.

If desired, you can add green peas or green beans to the soup, and use sauerkraut instead of fresh cabbage, just add it at the end. The finished dietary dish is decorated with chopped herbs. Eat the soup with toast brushed with garlic.

Stuffed cabbage rolls in the oven

Steamed cabbage rolls with minced beef will help get rid of the obsessive feeling of hunger. The dietary dish contains only 106 kcal/100 g and provides energy for 3 hours or more.

Cooking steps:

  1. Place the head of white cabbage in the pan and cook for 3-5 minutes in boiling water. The leaves should become a little softer, but not mushy.
  2. Remove the head of cabbage, cool, divide into leaves, cut off the thick veins.
  3. Pass 500 g of meat through a meat grinder, then beat with a blender to make it more airy and tender.
  4. Add 1 chopped onion to the meat base and blend again with a blender. Salt and pepper.
  5. Form the cabbage rolls. Place them in the multicooker bowl. Separately mix 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste with water, pour over the preparations.
  6. Cook in the “Stew” mode for 25-30 minutes.

Serve cabbage rolls with boiled new potatoes or rice.

Pie with minced chicken and tomatoes

Chicken and cabbage diet pie looks very appetizing, has a delicate texture and excellent taste. At the same time, the nutritional value of homemade baked goods does not exceed 72.8 kcal per 100 g.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Pour boiling water over 300 g of tomatoes, remove the skins from them, cut into small cubes.
  2. Chop the onion and celery greens.
  3. Pass 7 g of garlic through a press.
  4. Mix 600 minced chicken with 50 g of rice, salt, spices, onion, celery, garlic. Add 100 ml vegetable broth and stir again. Place in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  5. Separate 500 g of cabbage into leaves and boil in salted boiling water until soft. Cool, cut off thick veins.
  6. Place foil on the bottom of the springform pan, then baking paper and make sides.
  7. Place a layer of boiled leaves on the bottom, evenly distribute ½ of the minced meat on top, then put the leaves again - meat, there should be cabbage on top. Each layer of meat should be poured with a small amount of vegetable broth (in total you have 100 ml of broth).
  8. Cover the pie with foil and bake in the oven for 50 minutes at 180 degrees.
  9. Then take out the pastry, sprinkle it with 120 g of grated low-fat cheese, cook for another 10 minutes.

Sprinkle the diet pie with dill; you can pour it with the cabbage-meat juice that it released during baking.


Delicious and aromatic cabbage cutlets will be an excellent snack or addition to lunch. The energy value of the dietary dish is 94 kcal/100 g.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Chop 600 g of white cabbage into thin strips, simmer in a mixture of olive oil and water (1:2) until soft.
  2. Separately, stew the chopped onion in the same way.
  3. Mix onion and cabbage, cool.
  4. Add the egg and spices to the onion-cabbage mixture and stir. If the pieces seem too large to you, then beat the ingredients with a blender, then the cutlets will be even more airy and tender.
  5. Add a little whole grain flour to the mixture, form into flat cakes (medium thickness), simmer in a frying pan in a mixture of olive oil and water, covered.

Serve diet cutlets with a sauce based on low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt with lemon juice and chopped herbs.

Coleslaw salad

This dish can even be eaten for dinner. It contains only non-starchy vegetables and low-fat yogurt. It has an unusual taste and a pleasant crispy texture. The number of calories in 100 g of dish does not exceed 49 kcal.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Finely chop 500 g of white and red cabbage, mash it with your hands, and add salt.
  2. Grate 2 carrots on a coarse grater.
  3. Chop a bunch of parsley and 2 cucumbers.
  4. Mix all ingredients, add 1 can of canned corn.
  5. Prepare the dressing separately: mix 100 g of natural low-fat yogurt, a little salt, 3 tsp honey, 1 tbsp. l. mustard (for example, Dijon), 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar, a little ground black pepper.
  6. Pour the dressing over the vegetables, stir, leave in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.

Eat the salad on its own or with steamed chicken or boiled brown rice.

Cabbage pate

If you like original dishes, then this pate is on this list. The paste contains boiled cabbage, cilantro and crushed walnuts. The nutritional value of the product is 72 kcal.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Cut 500 g of cabbage into pieces or disassemble into leaves, cook in boiling water for 5-8 minutes.
  2. Drain in a colander to drain excess liquid.
  3. Grind the cabbage leaves using a blender.
  4. Add 50 g of chopped cilantro, 6 cloves of garlic, 40 g of walnuts, and salt to the cabbage mass. Beat again, repeat 2-3 times if necessary.

Lubricate bran or rye bread with dietary pate. It can also be used as a thick pasta sauce.

Chicken breast salad

If you are a supporter of a healthy diet and love meat, then you will definitely like this dietary salad with chicken breasts. It contains a minimum of calories, a lot of protein and minerals.

Cooking instructions:

  1. First, prepare the salad dressing: use a blender to grind 200 g of basil, 2-3 cloves of garlic, juice and a little zest of one lemon, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, 3 leaves of boiled white cabbage. Beat several times to obtain a homogeneous green paste.
  2. Toast ½ cup of pine nuts in a dry non-stick frying pan. When they become golden brown, cool. Throw most of the nuts into the dressing, and place the rest on a plate separately.
  3. Rub with salt, spices, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil 400 g chicken breasts. Place the meat on foil, wrap, bake for 35 minutes at 180-200 degrees.
  4. Cut the finished meat into cubes, mix with pasta and nuts.
  5. Transfer the salad to pre-washed young white cabbage leaves.

This dietary dish will decorate the holiday table.

Salad with radish and beets

Girls love this salad very much, as it is light, dietary, and also has a pronounced fat-burning effect. All ingredients are crushed into thin strips and seasoned with olive oil. You need to eat this dish right away to get maximum benefits for the body.

Cooking steps:

  1. Grate 120 g of fresh sweet beets on a coarse grater.
  2. Chop 80 g of white cabbage into small strips.
  3. Cut half the radish into thin strips.
  4. Grind half a large carrot on a special grater.
  5. Cut ½ green apple into thin strips. If the peel is thin, then do not cut it off, but it is better to get rid of the thick peel.
  6. Place all the ingredients in a large salad bowl, add chopped herbs (to your taste).
  7. Season the ingredients with 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, sprinkle with lemon juice, add a little salt, and add spices if desired.

Eat the diet salad immediately, while the beneficial substances in it are still active. This dish can be eaten for dinner even on a strict diet.

Diet salad with chicken breast and cabbage

Is it possible to eat a diet, but at the same time satisfying? With this simple recipe you can prepare a dish that will leave you feeling hungry for a long time! Another plus of this cabbage salad is that you always have all the ingredients at hand.

  • 150 grams of regular white cabbage. Shred and squeeze a little.
  • 90 grams of boiled chicken fillet. Cut into small pieces.
  • 15 grams of any low-fat cheese. Grate it.
  • low-fat sour cream. 30 grams is enough.
  • salt and pepper

Let’s put everything together and have a delicious dinner on your table!

Photo: @usadba_sofi

Main conclusions

Dietary dishes made from cabbage promote weight loss and saturate cells with useful substances. They speed up metabolic processes, cleanse the digestive organs of waste products, and reduce the amount of cholesterol and fat in the body. To get the most benefit from white cabbage, you need to eat it fresh. The maximum vitamins and minerals are preserved in boiled, steamed, and baked dietary dishes. The vegetable can also be stewed; it is better to avoid frying with oil. Light soups, salads, aromatic assorted vegetables, hearty, tasty pastries, and pates are prepared from white cabbage.

If you know original dietary recipes for cabbage dishes that you have already tried to cook, then share them in the comments.

Diet salad with crab sticks and cabbage

Here's another festive version of this dish! For this dish we will need crab sticks. There has been debate for a long time about the usefulness of crab sticks. The product itself has little in common with crab meat, so its usefulness is questionable. The sticks are made from minced fish, so it would be more correct to call them fish sticks. Of course, if you have the opportunity to take crab meat, then you can do it without hesitation. If you only have chopsticks on hand, you can prepare a dish with them.

The main thing is moderation! Try not to overuse this product!

  • 100 grams of sticks. Let's cut it.
  • 100 grams of Chinese cabbage
  • 1 egg. If you want to reduce calories, you can take two proteins.
  • 1 small fresh cucumber
  • 2 tablespoons canned corn

We fill everything with natural yoghurt.

Photo: @jongiraldo

Dietary sauerkraut salad

Is it possible to make a delicious and unusual sauerkraut salad? Yes! And it's very easy to do!

You will need very simple products:

  • 160 grams of sauerkraut
  • 50 grams of boiled red beans
  • 1 pickled cucumber. Finely chop.
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil

All that remains is to mix the ingredients and serve. There is no need to salt this dish!

Important! Please note that you should not overuse salty foods during the diet. Salt retains fluid very strongly and causes swelling. Doctors recommend eating no more than 6 grams of salt per day, although in reality the figure is many times higher. This is also due to the fact that we consume large amounts of prepared food, which already contains a lot of salt. Try not to overindulge in ready-made sauces and dressings, and go to fast foods less often.


PP salad with cabbage and egg

An interesting and simple cabbage salad for weight loss with just two main ingredients. Moreover, you can take both white cabbage and Chinese cabbage.

  • 150 grams cabbage
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • some green onions. These ingredients are as you wish. Onions can be replaced with greens.
  • 35 grams of low-fat sour cream
  • salt to taste

Recipes for PP salad Olivier


What is special about the cabbage diet?

As you may have guessed from the name, the main product for such weight loss is cabbage. I’ll tell you exactly what variations of this diet exist a little later. Now I would like to draw your attention to the promised result.

Judging by the reviews of those who have lost weight, you can lose up to 10 kilos on a diet in 5-7 days

True, according to nutritionists, it is impossible to get rid of such an amount of fat in such a short period of time. In their opinion, mostly liquid is lost.

Additional advantages of this dietary food system include the fact that white cabbage is available year-round. In addition, this vegetable is inexpensive, so losing weight will not negatively affect the family budget.

Moreover, during the diet, the body begins to get used to healthy eating habits. You can also continue to abstain from sweets and other harmful foods after this fasting period.

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