Puff pastry. Calorie content and composition of puff pastry

Properties of puff pastry

Nutritional value and composition | Vitamins | Minerals

How much does puff pastry cost (average price per 1 kg)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

96 rub.

Quite often, many housewives use puff pastry to prepare a variety of culinary and confectionery products. Pies, cakes, puff pastries with sweet fillings and more - the choice of dishes is truly multifaceted. Compared to some other types, the calorie content of puff pastry is significantly higher and amounts to approximately 337 kcal per 100 grams. In this regard, dishes that contain this product should not be abused by people with increased body weight.

In general, puff pastry products are the thinnest layers of dough that are quite easily separated from each other. They are crispy on top and tender and soft on the inside.

Chemical composition

Puff pastry made from quality ingredients has a neutral taste, plastic and pliable for preparing a variety of baked goods. It goes well with vegetable, meat, fish and sweet fillings.

Interestingly, ready-made puff pastry is considered a relative of phyllo, prepared in the Middle East, which in turn is stretched rather than rolled.
In addition, it contains less water. Nutritional value of puff pastry

NameContents per 100 g of product
Organic acids38,3
Alimentary fiber1,0

Chemical composition of puff pastry

NameConcentration of nutrients per 100 g of product, mg
Choline (B4)30,4
Tocopherol (E)6,7
Niacin (PP)0,6
Pantothenic acid (B5)0,2
Retinol (A)0,1
Pyridoxine (B6)0,1
Thiamine (B1)0,09
Riboflavin (B2)0,06
Folic acid (B9)0,0145
Biotin (H)0,0012
Cobalamin (B12)0,00007

Often, in the process of preparing puff pastry products, housewives are faced with two problems: it does not rise or does not bake. Why is this happening? In the first case, the cause of the trouble is the use of low-quality (expired) raw materials, placing the dough in an unheated oven, and low baking temperature (up to 230 degrees).

Puff pastry dough does not like drafts, therefore, in order for it to rise, you cannot open the window or window in the room.

In the second case, the baked goods are not baked due to the abundance of fat in the composition. As a result, the cake turns out wet, heavy and tasteless.

Composition of puff pastry

Regarding the composition of puff pastry, we can say that its main components are wheat flour, water, butter and salt. By the way, sometimes, for example, instead of butter you can see margarine, which is why the calorie content of puff pastry may vary slightly. This dough, which serves as the basis for baking crispy, crispy products, requires special attention and precision in the process of its preparation.

Depending on the ingredients that make up the puff pastry, this product is usually divided into 2 types: classic and simplified version. Undoubtedly, classic puff pastry has a higher quality of finished products, but it is also quite difficult to prepare. That is why many housewives prefer to buy a ready-made store product.

If you decide to make your own puff pastry at home, remember that to prepare the classic version, you first need to knead a soft dough, which consists of flour, water and salt, and then roll cold butter into it in thin layers. The more such layers, the correspondingly higher the quality of the dough. Experts say that the best puff pastry has approximately 140 layers. Sometimes these numbers can reach up to 240! It is almost impossible to distinguish these thin layers with the naked eye, and preparation requires a lot of time, but believe me, it is worth it.

If you still don’t dare and opt for ready-made ice cream puff pastry, do not forget that here you need to follow some rules. First of all, the dough must thaw on its own. If it has been frozen in layers, they should first be separated from each other and then thawed individually for about 20 minutes. Thawed layers of puff pastry are moistened with cold water, stacked and rolled into a single layer to the desired thickness and size.

You need to roll out the dough with a rolling pin, and there are also some tricks here: first from right to left, then vice versa, then from bottom to top and top to bottom, that is, always in the same direction. This is done so that the layers are not damaged and the finished product rises during baking.

Puff pastry is usually baked on a baking sheet, which is pre-moistened with cold water, and not greased with oil as usual. This is done based on two considerations: firstly, during the baking process, the water evaporates, giving the dough additional volume. And secondly, the fat (butter or margarine) that is part of the product significantly increases in volume during baking, thereby releasing the water dissolved in the dough. Due to the fact that the liquid turns into steam, the layers rise, separating from each other, resulting in the process of stratification of the dough.

Cooking features

The composition of yeast-free puff pastry includes:

  • Melange.
  • Lemon acid.
  • Powdered milk.
  • Cold water.
  • Flour.
  • Flour improver.
  • Margarine or butter.

Everything is placed in the bowl of the dough mixing apparatus. The procedure takes up to 20 minutes. You should get a homogeneous mass. Then she lies in a cool place. The yeast base is prepared using a similar recipe. A mandatory step is to roll out the dough until a layer of 1-2 mm is obtained. Then it is folded in layers for 20 minutes. Then the procedure is repeated.

Semi-finished products are molded, frozen, and packaged in special packaging. The duration of storage is determined by the correctness of production. Typically this period is 5-60 days at temperatures down to -20 degrees. After defrosting, the product can be used to create baked goods.

You should not consume such products in large quantities. The calorie content of puff pastry is considered to be the cause of weight gain, which leads to obesity.

The products contain harmful substances, for example, margarine, which negatively affects the condition of the heart, increases “bad” cholesterol, and because of this, blood clots appear in the blood vessels. Therefore, excessive consumption of puff desserts leads to heart attacks and strokes. But with moderate consumption there will be no harm to the body.

Puff pastry, which, admittedly, is quite high in calories, is at the same time loved by many of us. This type of dough is light, pleasantly crunchy and has wonderful taste. Remember how many different delicacies for those with a sweet tooth can be made from it - here are sweet cakes, pastries, cookies, pies with all kinds of pies, etc. Have you ever thought about the benefits of puff pastry and what benefits puff pastry has? dough calories? We will talk about this in our article.

How to correctly calculate the calorie content of foods for weight loss

Anyone who wants to lose weight is faced with the need to calculate calorie intake. This article will tell you not only how to learn how to count calories in foods and ready-made meals, but also how to correctly count BZHU.

This article will not talk about who needs to count calories and who doesn’t. This material is for those who have already started doing this and simply do not know how to count calories correctly. So let's start with the most basic things.

What is calorie content

Calorie content is the amount of energy that the body receives from a certain food product. Accordingly, the calorie content of a finished dish is the sum of the calorie content of all the products included in the dish. This explanation may seem like a completely banal thing to you, but it is precisely because of a lack of understanding of this basic information that, as a rule, errors in calculations occur.

Since we are talking about energy, calorie content is also called the energy value of the product. This indicator is measured in two units: calories (k) and joules (J). Mathematically, 1 k = 4.2 J.

But in reality, both a calorie and a joule are a very small amount of energy.

Therefore, measurements are usually made in kilocalories (kcal) and kilojoules (KJ), but in everyday speech, as a rule, they simply do not say “kilo”.

Recently, on product labels, more and more often you can see double information about composition and calorie content: in calories and in joules. However, in the CIS countries it is usually calculated in calories, so I will also rely on this unit of measurement.

How to correctly calculate the calorie content and nutritional value of foods

In this case, everything is simple. The packaging of each product always contains information about its energy value and nutrient content.

Therefore, if you want to find out, for example, what the calorie content and BJU of a pack of cottage cheese are, then just look at the packaging. But do not forget that the data there is given per 100 g of product.

Accordingly, if you ate a pack of 250 g, then the data needs to be multiplied by 2.5.

What if the product does not have packaging?

Source: https://vimo.fitness/kak-schitat-kalorii-bzhu/

Calorie content of puff pastry (all types):. Calories - From prepared puff pastry

All types of fermented dough require a very long preparation time. This especially applies to the sponge method. Typically, yeast is first diluted in a small amount of warm water with added sugar. After this, add flour until the dough has the consistency of very thin sour cream.

Cover with a lid or cling film, placing the bowl with the dough in a warm place or wrapping it up. After 25-30 minutes, a bubble cap forms on the surface. After this, you can add the rest of the liquid base, melted margarine, sour cream, eggs, sugar and other ingredients specified in the recipe into the dough.

Do not add a lot of flour so that the mixture does not lose its lightness and airiness. After kneading, let the mixture sit until it doubles in volume, and then put it on the table and knead it thoroughly. Yeast dough is usually allowed to rise a couple of times.

If there is a lot of it, and sculpting the products will take some time, place the remainder in a cool place to slow down the fermentation process. Also remember to let the dough rise before baking.


The main difference between yeast-free puff pastry and yeast dough is obvious - the first product contains yeast, the second does not use it.

This is due to the fact that the yeast-free dough mass does not require waiting for the product to rise during the preparation of dough based on it - which is carried out during baking of the culinary product in the oven.

In addition, the list of ingredients for yeast dough usually does not include vinegar.

The dishes that are prepared using the products in question also differ. This is largely due to the dissimilarity of some properties of the corresponding types of puff pastry. Thus, its yeast-free modification is stored noticeably longer than the yeast version. The main thing is to place it in the refrigerator and wrap it in film so that the dough does not dry out.

Having determined what the difference is between yeast-free and yeast puff pastry, we will reflect the conclusions in the table.

Features of work

And we continue to talk about the difference between yeast puff pastry and yeast-free dough. It’s hard to say which is better, it all depends on taste preferences and the product you want to get as a result.

Yeast dough is very delicate, so it will be quite difficult to roll out the layers correctly. Fat that is too soft will leak out, and fat that is too hard will break and tear the layers.

Therefore, if you want to try to prepare a semi-finished product yourself, it is much better to start with unleavened one.

Correct rolling

Roll out the dough into a square twice the size of the stick of butter, making sure the dough is thinner at the edges than in the middle. Wrap the edges of the square with an envelope and roll out the dough into a rectangle with a layer of about 1 cm, then fold it in three or four, and then put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Roll out the chilled dough again, fold it into 3-4 layers and put it in the refrigerator again. This procedure should be repeated at least 4 times, and preferably 5–6. The more often you roll out the dough, the more flaky it will be.

Move the rolling pin away from you, very slowly and carefully, to maintain the integrity of the layer.

On the website “Eating at Home!” We have collected recipes for step-by-step preparation of puff pastry with photographs and videos, where you can clearly see how to roll it out correctly so that the baked goods are multi-layered and light.

Product calculator

Nutritional Information Serving Size (g)

per serving% of normal
Calories360 kcal-%
Squirrels5.5 g-%
Fats22 g-%
Carbohydrates36 g-%
Alimentary fiber0 g-%
Water0 g-%

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What to cook from puff pastry

The uses of puff pastry are very diverse. It is considered truly universal. Using it, you can bake equally well with both sweet and savory fillings.

Uzbek samsa, Austrian strudel, French croissants, Imeritan khachapuri. Once you try it, it is impossible to forget Kurnik pie or Napoleon cake.

And of course, delicious puff pastries with fillings for every taste: berries, fruits, cottage cheese. And also with cabbage, mushrooms or bacon.

By the way, the croissant recipe describes in detail the method of preparing the dough.

Yeast addition

Yeast is often added to puff pastry, but this is not necessary. The baked goods rise during the cooking period. Yeast influences the occurrence of physicochemical and enzymatic reactions. Elasticity, porosity, structure, taste and aroma depend on these processes.

Source: https://pro-acne.ru/pohudenie/slojki-kalorijnost-i-bzhu-vseh-sposobov-prigotovleniya.html

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