Power yoga with Janet Jenkins in Russian

Janet Jenkins

A black American athlete from a poor family, born on the outskirts of Ottawa.
There were three children in the family, and their mother raised them alone. The girl always loved outdoor games and, as a schoolgirl, participated in all sporting events. Poverty oppressed her, so by playing sports, she gained confidence, she saw and felt her physical superiority over her rivals. After graduating from college, Janice pursued three majors in sports medicine and nutrition. I took up coaching and started my own blog on the Internet. Her recommendations were valued, resulting in record views of her vlog reaching 20 million.


Film and stage stars started talking about the coach. Currently, Jenkins is an ambassador for Nike and a personal trainer for such stars as Pink and Alicia Keys. She has many self-developed programs, such as “butt correction”, “ideal abs”, “bikini” and others. One of these programs is attended by the famous and well-known Janet Jackson, whose abs, hips and buttocks we can see at her concerts. Despite her age, she looks amazing.

Biography of Janet Jenkins

A black athlete was born on the outskirts of Ottawa into a poor family.
Jeanette was one of three children raised by a single mother who was struggling to make ends meet. While studying at school, the girl tried a lot of sports. She participated in all sporting events. Passion for sports was a kind of cocoon for Janet, protecting her from a poor existence. Feeling great about this hobby filled her with confidence. After graduating from college, Jenny Jenkins completed three majors in sports medicine and nutrition. Having started her coaching career, the girl began blogging at the same time. Valuable recommendations attracted many visitors, the number of which soon reached record numbers.

Thanks to the creation of chic workout programs, Jenkins today tops the list of the most famous fitness instructors in America. World-famous stars use its services.

Training program

Jenny Jenkins focuses on high-intensity cardio training. In her opinion, there is no better way to train problem areas

Janet has also developed comprehensive training sessions in which ladies not only lose weight, but also strengthen their body tone and skills in sports.

  • The “Stretching” program starts with strength training, mainly to burn fat deposits and pump up muscles. Each lady can choose her own level of difficulty. Ends with muscle relaxation. The lesson lasts for an hour. The yoga program is not as intense, but is also good for correcting problem areas such as hips and buttocks.
  • The signature program from a Hollywood trainer, called “Hollywood Trainer,” includes training in 2 stages. The first one is for beautiful hips and buttocks, and the second one is for the stomach. The program combines a number of sports areas: Pilates, kinesthetics and classical fitness aerobics. This is its main feature.
  • The Cardio Kickboxing program is part of the Hollywood Trainer comprehensive workout. Suitable for those who like to dance.


Features of training

Familiarization with most sports allowed us to select the most effective elements from them, and a thorough mastery of medicine allowed us to specifically understand how exactly various loads work and how they affect the human body.

The workouts from Janet Jenkins are excellent in duration and content.

Evidence of this belief is provided by the reviews of those who have completed them. The trainer focuses special attention on intense cardio training, since she is convinced that there is no ideal load for problem areas of the female body.

The proposed variety of complexes allows you not only to become much slimmer, but also to tidy up the skin of the female body:

Stretching - Janet Jenkins' program begins with strength exercises to eliminate fat deposits and pump up all muscles. The complexity varies, so any woman will choose a suitable complex.

Yoga is a less vigorous option suggested for those who don't value strength training.

Despite the fact that losing weight does not happen quickly, yoga from the famous trainer Jenkins is not a classic option, which is why it is considered the most effective when it is necessary to get rid of fat deposits. This workout is a good addition to strength training.

Hollywood Trainer is the main program of the famous Hollywood trainer, which includes several blocks. Its main feature is the combination of sports exercises.

Cardio kickboxing is an indispensable option for lovers of dance-type classes. Perfect abs and buttocks will be an invaluable bonus to a great mood.

Pros and cons of the program

1. With Janet Jenkins you will train absolutely all the muscles of the abdominals, buttocks and thighs from all sides.

2. The workout lasts only 20 minutes, during which you give serious stress to problem areas of your body.

3. The “Ideal Abs and Correction of Hips and Buttocks” program does not require dumbbells or any additional equipment. You exercise exclusively with your own body weight.

4. Janet Jenkins is a very energetic and positive trainer. The classes are intense and interesting.

5. The program has been translated into Russian. The trainer comments on each exercise, so the workouts are very easy to understand.

6. If you have long been looking for a program to create a flat stomach or slender legs, then the Hollywood trainer is perfect for you.

1. There is no warm-up as such in training. Before class, be sure to warm up your body by lightly running or jumping for 5-7 minutes.

2. The program does not include aerobic exercise. By doing it regularly, you will probably strengthen your muscles, but losing weight without cardio training is almost impossible.

3. The effectiveness of local weight loss has long been questioned. There are more and more arguments in favor of an integrated approach to training.

Hollywood Coach Program Advice

Doing only this program is not the most effective type of fitness. If you want to lose weight and burn excess fat, include aerobic exercise in your training plan. For example, it might look like this:

  • PN: Hollywood trainer – Perfect abs
  • VT: Hollywood trainer – Correction of hips and buttocks
  • SR: Cardio workout
  • TH: Rest
  • PT: Hollywood Trainer – Perfect Abs
  • SB: Hollywood trainer – Correction of hips and buttocks
  • VS: Cardio workout


Reviews for Perfect Abs and Correction of Hips and Buttocks:

You can adjust your fitness plan depending on your individual preferences and characteristics. You can choose a cardio workout in the article: The best home aerobic workouts that are suitable for everyone.

Core & Stretch It Out: program from Janet Jenkins

Core Workout: Abs Workout

The first workout is called Core Workout and it is designed to create a flat stomach. You will target your abdominal muscles to remove fat and strengthen your abdominal muscles. All exercises are performed on the mat: first on the back, then from the plank position and at the very end on the stomach. Janet also included back exercises in the program, which will allow you to work your entire core muscles. For classes you only need a gymnastic mat.

Janet Jenkins already has a program for creating perfect abs, Core Workout is just one of the newer modifications. The workout lasts 20 minutes, so it can be easily combined with other activities, preferably aerobic ones. For example, you do cardio for 30 minutes, then do abs workout with Janet Jenkins for 20 minutes. This way, you can not only strengthen your abdominal muscles, but also remove fat. Be sure to check out our review of the best home cardio workouts to find the best option for you.


  • During the training, you will work all the abdominal muscles, making it flat and elastic.
  • Along with your abdominal muscles, you will also strengthen your back and lower back muscles.
  • One of the girls in Janet’s group shows a lighter version of the exercises, so the workout is suitable even for less experienced practitioners.

Stretch it out: stretching with Janet Jenkins

Janet Jenkins's second workout is completely different in nature, it is designed for quality stretching. If you have long wanted to work on your flexibility or were looking for stretching after intense exercise, then Stretch it out will be the optimal solution for you. The program will help you lengthen your muscle fibers, which in turn will improve their ability to contract and speed up the body's recovery after fitness stress. Also, quality stretching after training will help you get rid of muscle soreness (muscle pain syndrome).

The lesson lasts 35 minutes and takes place at a slow pace without sudden movements or jerks.

This is the only way to gently and painlessly improve your flexibility. To perform the exercises you will need an elastic band, but you can replace it with a towel

Not everyone can do yoga, so stretching becomes a real godsend for practitioners.


  • The program will help you improve your stretching and flexibility.
  • By regularly stretching after fitness, you will forget what muscle pain is after exercise.
  • You will lengthen the muscle fibers, and the longer they are, the more force they can create during contractions.
  • Activities like Stretch it out help relieve stress.

Review of Core & Stretch It Out by Janet Jenkins:

Try this program with Janet Jenkins if you want perfect abs and great stretching. But remember, to lose belly fat, you need to do cardio exercises regularly.

When to practice

The complex takes a little time, but the exercises themselves cannot be called simple. Therefore, before starting classes, you need to prepare yourself both mentally and physically. Firstly, you should not eat food before exercise. The last meal should be two hours before training. Secondly, you should not immediately load up on food after your body has received a good load. If you have the opportunity, do the exercises in the morning, then this will be a good and useful exercise for the whole body. If this is not possible, then evening time is also suitable for this complex. But remember, you will be able to see the first results after a week or two. Therefore, under no circumstances leave charging for later.

If you are just starting to master the complex and the exercises are difficult for you, do not be upset, do as your training allows. It's possible that everyday exercise can tire you out quickly, so do the exercises every other day. Be sure to take breaks on Saturday and Sunday. The body must rest so that a reboot does not occur. If your body is prepared for stress, then you can do this complex every day. But one day must be a day off.

To summarize, it is worth repeating that any exercise and any exercise will be effective and useful if you follow a systematic approach.

You also need to pay special attention to the food you eat in the morning, afternoon and evening. Try to follow the general rules that many girls use when losing weight

And then the taller body will become the ideal embodiment of slimness.

Total Body Circuit: Workout Description by Janet Jenkins

Jeanette Jenkins, founder and director of The Hollywood Trainer, has helped thousands of men and women transform their bodies. She uses the most effective and time-tested exercises that help lose fat, increase metabolism and strengthen muscles. Start changing your body with Hollywood Trainer and her Total Body Circuit program.

This is a classic fitness training that combines aerobic and strength exercises for the whole body. The program consists of two parts:

  • The first workout works the muscles of the chest, shoulders, triceps, buttocks and quadriceps.
  • The second is the muscles of the shoulders, biceps, back, abs and hips on both sides.

Both workouts are 35 minutes long and work at a fast pace with light cardio throughout the session. The program is designed for 21 days, during which you will alternate these 2 trainings with each other. Of course, you can continue this fitness course for longer until you achieve the results you want. You need to exercise 5-6 times a week if you want to lose weight in 3 weeks.

For training, you need dumbbells, preferably of different weights, since different muscles require different loads. You will also need leg weights, which provide more resistance to the muscles. But if you don’t have weights, it’s okay, you can exercise without them. In general, this program by Janet Jenkins is reminiscent of “No Problem Areas” with Jillian Michaels: a lot of functional exercises for different muscles of the body.

Janet Jenkins combination workout: video

Jeanette Jenkins, founder and director of The Hollywood Trainer, has helped thousands of men and women transform their bodies. She uses the most effective and time-tested exercises that help lose fat, increase metabolism and strengthen muscles. Start changing your body with Hollywood Trainer and her Total Body Circuit program.

This is a classic fitness training that combines aerobic and strength exercises for the whole body. The program consists of two parts:

  • The first workout works the muscles of the chest, shoulders, triceps, buttocks and quadriceps.
  • The second is the muscles of the shoulders, biceps, back, abs and hips on both sides.

Both workouts are 35 minutes long and work at a fast pace with light cardio throughout the session. The program is designed for 21 days, during which you will alternate these 2 trainings with each other. Of course, you can continue this fitness course for longer until you achieve the results you want. You need to exercise 5-6 times a week if you want to lose weight in 3 weeks.

For training, you need dumbbells, preferably of different weights, since different muscles require different loads. You will also need leg weights, which provide more resistance to the muscles. But if you don’t have weights, it’s okay, you can exercise without them. In general, this program by Janet Jenkins is reminiscent of “No Problem Areas” with Jillian Michaels: a lot of functional exercises for different muscles of the body.

Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper

In this pair, Bob Harper's programs are noticeably more complicated, so it will be difficult for beginners to train with Bob. As with Shaun T, you'll need to build up your endurance and muscle strength with Jillian before moving on to more serious training with Bob Harper. Sure, you can start with challenging workouts right away, chances are your body will adapt over time. But in this case, there is a danger of quickly losing motivation or getting overtrained due to high loads.

So, Bob Harper or Jillian Michaels? Definitely start with Jillian, improve your physical fitness and move on to classes with Bob in 5-6 months. If you have been training for a long time, then Bob Harper's programs will be up to you.

Not sure where to start? We offer you a ready-made solution: a fitness plan for a year according to Jillian Michaels’ programs.

Janet Jenkins - Yoga

If you want to tone up your body, then we suggest you do an effective workout for all problem areas: Hollywood Trainer - Perfect abs and correction of hips and buttocks. The training is led by positive and energetic trainer Janet Jenkins. Along with her abdominal exercises, you'll work the rectus abdominis, internal and external obliques, and transverse abdominis. Maximum results are guaranteed in minimal time. The workout lasts only 20 minutes, during which you will continuously pump up your abs.

All exercises are done from a lying position and most of them are familiar to anyone who has ever trained their abdominal muscles. During abdominal exercises, listen carefully to Janet Jenkins' recommendations to avoid damaging your back or lower back. If you're looking for a quality program for perfect abs, we also recommend checking out Jillian Michaels' Killer Abs workout. For the lower body, a hip and buttock correction program has been created with a Hollywood trainer.

Janet Jenkins says this workout will tone your glutes, hamstrings, quads, and inner and outer thighs.

A series of the best exercises for the lower body will help you get rid of breeches and flabby legs. The workout also lasts 20 minutes and is a series of exercises for the hips and buttocks. In the first half you train while standing, in the second half you train while lying down. The program contains the most effective exercises for the lower body, allowing you to seriously work out the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. You don't need dumbbells, expanders or other additional equipment for training.

If you are looking for a high-quality program for the correction of thighs and buttocks, we also recommend that you check out Jillian Michaels' workout - Thigh and Butt Fat Killer. With Janet Jenkins you will train absolutely all the muscles of the abdominals, buttocks and thighs from all sides. The workout lasts only 20 minutes, during which you give serious stress to problem areas of your body.

You exercise exclusively with your own body weight. Janet Jenkins is a very energetic and positive trainer. The classes are intense and interesting. The program has been translated into Russian. The trainer comments on each exercise, so the workouts are very easy to understand.

If you have been looking for a program to create a flat stomach or slender legs, then the Hollywood trainer is perfect for you. There is no warm-up as such in training. Before class, be sure to warm up your body by jogging or jumping for a few minutes. The program does not include aerobic exercise. By doing it regularly, you will probably strengthen your muscles, but losing weight without cardio training is almost impossible.

The effectiveness of local weight loss has long been questioned. There are more and more arguments in favor of an integrated approach to training. Doing only this program is not the most effective type of fitness. If you want to lose weight and burn excess fat, include aerobic exercise in your training plan.

For example, it might look like this:. You can adjust your fitness plan depending on your individual preferences and characteristics. Hello, Anastasia. It is advisable to combine such functional training with aerobic exercise. Check out the article: Six Best At-Home Cardio Workouts That Work for Everyone. In this case, classes will be more effective. I lost weight just by doing these two programs.

Clean Week: a workout routine for beginners from Megan Davis. Top programs for beginners: where to start training at home. We will be grateful for your comment! Do you think it is possible to combine Perfect Abs and Hips with the Die in an Hour from GT program?

Disadvantages of the program from Janet Jenkins

The shortcomings of the program are mainly spoken about by beginners who skip classes, do not do independent work on the body and ignore the warm-up. Some people lack the self-discipline and willpower to exercise at home. Others are disturbed by household members who distract them from training. Still others complain that there is no professional nearby who would teach the correct technique for doing the exercises.

Objectively, only three shortcomings can be identified:

  1. There are a lot of jumps and squats that people with varicose veins and bad knees should not do.
  2. Some mixed complexes begin with cardio training and end with strength training, which contradicts the “canons” of fitness.
  3. Video courses are beyond the capabilities of people who have not exercised for a long time.

About the Sexy Arms, Abs & Legs workout

"Sexy Arms, Abs and Legs" is a set of Janet Jenkins' favorite exercises that help her get many of her clients in shape. The workout combines low-impact cardio, traditional strength exercises and elements from sports ballet, Pilates and yoga. Janet also included some dance moves to help keep the class at an aerobic pace.

The program lasts 60 minutes, but can be divided into separate segments if you find a one-hour session too long. The workout takes place at an energetic pace, but it is quite possible to maintain such a pace even for beginners. All the exercises that Janet uses are simple and straightforward, so even beginners can easily cope with this program.

For training, you will only need dumbbells with a minimum weight of 1.5 kg. To get noticeable results, you need to train regularly 4-5 times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes. And it’s even more effective to diversify Sexy Arms, Abs & Legs with another fitness program from a Hollywood trainer

We especially advise you to pay attention to aerobic activities, for example, Kickboxing or Die in One Hour

Description of Cardio Sculpt with Janet Jenkins

Despite the name, Cardio Sculpt is not exactly a cardio workout. Yes, it is performed at an energetic pace, but the program is built on functional exercises with dumbbells. You will consistently work on all problem areas, making your muscles elastic and prominent. A high pace of exercise will allow you to maintain your heart rate in the fat-burning zone, thereby losing a large number of calories in one session. After all, as you know, when you maintain your heart rate at the right level, you maximize fat burning even during strength exercises.

The workout with Janet Jenkins lasts 45 minutes. You start with a light warm-up, then do dumbbell exercises for half an hour to work the muscles of your arms, legs and buttocks . The program moves at a fast pace, so if you find it difficult to follow the trainer at some points, simply perform the exercises more slowly. The final ten-minute session for legs and abs is done on the mat. At the end you will have stretching to relax your muscles after your workout.

For classes you will only need dumbbells and a gymnastic mat. The program involves a large number of exercises for the arms and shoulders, so beginners are recommended to take dumbbells weighing 1-1.5 kg. Advanced exercisers can train with dumbbells from 2 kg and above. Janet claims that the program is equally suitable for both beginners and advanced fitness enthusiasts . True, if you are a beginner, then make short stops if necessary. Cardio Sculpt can be combined with other Janet Jenkins workouts. By the way, she has a Total Body Circuit program, which is very similar in content and is considered a more advanced version of Cardio Sculpt.

Pros and cons of the program


1. This is a pure aerobic workout with which you can burn extra calories and lose weight well.

2. The program is built on elements from kickboxing: various swings of arms and legs, so you will work on problem areas such as the stomach and legs.

3. Janet Jenkins mixes up your workout with dance moves, so you'll burn fat not only effectively, but also positively.

4. Crunch Super Charged cardio workout will help you develop endurance and improve the functioning of your cardiovascular system.

5. This is an interval workout that offers both explosive work and minutes of rest. This method allows you to achieve maximum results in a short time.

6. The program cannot be classified as advanced. This is a confidently average level that almost anyone can do.

7. The lesson does not require additional equipment.


1. Even though this workout is based on kickboxing, there is a lot of jumping in it. Therefore, those who are not recommended for shock loading should not engage in it.

2. Aerobic exercise will help you burn fat, but strength training is needed to work on muscles. Therefore, do not forget to supplement this program with functional load.


With Kickbox Party's positive cardio workout, you'll not only burn maximum calories in 45 minutes, but also boost your mood throughout the day. Make it fun and easy with Hollywood celebrity trainer Janet Jenkins!

Pros and cons of Kickboxing from a Hollywood trainer


1. The program successfully combines aerobic and strength training. Exercises with dumbbells are replaced by rhythmic movements. This approach allows you to burn maximum calories in one workout.

2. Elements from kickboxing will not only help strengthen your muscles, but also improve your flexibility, coordination and agility.

3. With “Kickboxing” from a Hollywood trainer, you work on the whole body, so you don’t have to select and combine different programs. This lesson already has everything you need to create a slim figure.

4. The workout is accompanied by energetic music, and Janet Jenkins delights with her positive attitude.

5. The program has been translated into Russian, so all the trainer’s comments will be 100% clear to you.


1. Although Janet Jenkins assures that a beginner can do the workout, the exercise may still seem difficult for an unprepared person.

2. Kickboxing with Janet Jenkins doesn't spend much time on abdominal exercises. If you want more loads on the abdominal muscles, then it is better to take an additional program to work them out.

3. Kickboxing is always an amateur workout. Not everyone likes specific exercises from combat sports.

Workout with Janet Jenkins for thighs and buttocks

Hollywood trainer Janet Jenkis has created a unique training method that combines aerobics, yoga, elements from martial arts, cardio exercises, strength training and Pilates. The personal trainer of Carmen Electra, Queen Latifah, Kelly Rowland, Alicia Keys and Pink, who lost 20 kg in four months, knows how to motivate and gives valuable nutrition advice. You can find perfect hips and buttocks with Janet Jenkins even at home, as confirmed by numerous reviews from satisfied clients. At the same time, it is not necessary to immediately buy her lessons - some of the video lessons with Russian voice acting are freely available. According to the American media, an individual 60-minute workout with an instructor of this level costs celebrities at least $300. But now every YouTube user can take advantage of a free and well-designed training program from a fitness star!

Yoga with Janet Jenkins

Yoga with Janet Jenkins takes place at an even more measured pace. If Pilates still contains the usual exercises for problem areas, then yoga consists of typical static poses for stretching and coordination. For 45 minutes you will work on flexibility in your hips, back, hips and shoulders. In addition to muscle tone, you will calm your mind and consciousness. Janet offers a version of fitness yoga, that is, it combines exercises for weight loss and relaxation.

To achieve noticeable results, do Pilates or yoga with Janet Jenkins 4-5 times a week. However, for quick weight loss, the ideal solution would be to combine these gentle workouts with more intense ones. For example, check out Janet's One Hour Die program, which offers both aerobic and strength training. Pilates and yoga are not exactly suitable for weight loss. But when combined with other workouts, they will help you improve your body.

The benefits of training with a Hollywood trainer

  • takes little time but is very effective;
  • suitable for unprepared beginners;
  • exercises are easy to perform;
  • no need for sports equipment;
  • positive, positive instructor;
  • Video tutorials are in Russian.

The disadvantages include the fact that there is no warm-up, but this is important for safety and effective training. And also there is no strain on the back and arms

Useful tips from the instructor

Before you do anything, you need to set a specific goal.
It's exactly the same in sports. Therefore, having decided to follow the Hollywood trainer’s “perfect abs” program, formulate your goal: I want to achieve a flat stomach, beautiful abs and lose 5 kg. Before starting your workout, take control measurements of your weight, waist, buttocks, arms, and hips. When engaging in a fitness program, repeat the measurement procedure systematically twice a month. It will be a great motivation when after two weeks you see how much lower the numbers are.

Putting aside self-pity during training is the main step to an ideal figure. Some girls admit that they lost about 20 kg in 4 months thanks to the exactingness of the trainer. Such cases are not isolated; photographs and reviews of girls who performed training systematically are impressive.


The workout is aimed at strengthening muscles, not at losing fat. Therefore, if your goal is to lose weight, then you need to supplement your training with aerobic exercises, training your legs and abs. Divide the routine and train different parts every other day or two. One day - abs, the second - thighs, the third - cardio training, the fourth - rest. The muscles need rest for two days, so while the legs are resting, the abs are being trained.

Who is Janet Jenkins training suitable for?

One of the most popular courses for buttocks and legs is not designed for professionals accustomed to heavy loads. However, the training may seem too difficult for overweight people and those who do not have simple warm-up skills. But unprepared beginners should not despair - in some videos, one of Janet's two assistants demonstrates a lighter version of the exercises.

It is worth noting that Janet loves high-intensity exercise and cardio kickboxing, which helps to lose weight and pump up muscles. She tirelessly repeats that you just need to allow yourself to be a novice athlete and endure the terrible soreness. When your figure begins to change for the better, you will also have a desire to exercise your lazy body more.

To get elastic hips and buttocks, a flat stomach and a wasp waist with Janet Jenkins’ video lessons, you will have to increase the load: increase the time of training, the pace of training, use elastic bands and weights (dumbbells, leg weights). Progress will not stop if classes are regular and nutrition is correct.

The owner of three specializations in the field of sports medicine and nutrition explains in videos the technique of performing exercises and shares useful information about a healthy lifestyle for free. Watching the cheerful athlete is a pleasure: even remotely, her charisma and positive attitude charge you with energy! In addition, an intense workout with Janet Jenkins on problem areas (abs, thighs and buttocks) takes little time. Feel free to update your fitness plan and adapt to the new rhythm of life!

Jillian Michaels or Shaun T

All Shaun T's video courses are a set of training sessions designed for 1-3 months. As a rule, people switch to Sean after six months of training with Gillian and choose his most popular program - Insanity. It is not recommended to start training on it from scratch. The complex is very intense and requires serious cardio endurance to perform it. If you want to test your readiness for Insanity, try Jill's program: Speed ​​Up Your Metabolism. If you did it without difficulty, then you are quite ready for the intensive course.

However, Sean also has more gentle classes, such as Hip-Hop Abs and Rockin Body. Even a beginner can handle them. True, they are built in a dance style, so not everyone will like them.

So, Shaun T or Jillian Michaels? It's better to start with Gillian, gradually preparing yourself for Sean's extreme programs. However, if you don't mind hip-hop style classes, then there is an option to start with Hip-Hop Abs, for example.

Description of the Combined Program

Janet especially likes to combine several types of loads in one program. Thanks to this, her classes are as beneficial as possible for the whole body. Janet Jenkins uses several fitness areas as the basis for her Ultimate Cross Training: kickboxing, Pilates, yoga, aerobic and strength training. You will simultaneously work on the muscles of your entire body, burn fat, improve stretching and coordination. The trainer uses a comprehensive approach to body development, which will help you have an intense and effective lesson.

The program lasts 45 minutes. You'll start with exercises for your arms, thighs, and buttocks, interspersed with kickboxing moves. In the second half of the combined workout, you will find yoga and Pilates exercises that help tone muscles and develop flexibility. In the final part, Janet prepared high-quality exercises for the abs and back. In one session you can burn about 400 kcal and improve all problem areas of the body.

To complete the workout, you will need a floor mat and a set of dumbbells. The lesson is suitable for any level of training, but beginners should not chase the high pace of the trainer: it is better to stick to your own rhythm. It is recommended to combine combined training with other programs; this will help avoid monotony and increase the effectiveness of training. Recommended reading: Review of all Janet Jenkins workouts.

Janet Jenkins Workout Program

Deep familiarity with many sports made it possible to choose the most effective elements from them, and the study of medicine made it possible to understand how different types of loads work and how they affect a person. Programs from Janet Jenkins are ideal in duration and content, as evidenced by reviews of women who have completed them. The Hollywood trainer places special emphasis on high-intensity cardio training, arguing that there is no better load for problem areas of the legs and buttocks.

Janet Jenkins offers women a large selection of training complexes with which you can not only lose weight, but also improve your body quality and sports skills:

  • Stretching – This perfect stretching program from Janet Jenkins begins with strength training that promotes good fat burning and muscle pumping. The degree of difficulty can be varied, so each girl will choose the perfect set for herself. Finish with stretching to relax the muscles. The duration of the lesson is an hour, and this complex from Janet Jenkins is especially popular with American stars.
  • Yoga is a less energetic and complex option for correcting problem areas, including hips and buttocks, which is aimed at girls who do not value cardio and strength training. Weight loss occurs more slowly, but yoga from Janet Jenkins is not classical, and therefore more effective in burning fat. This workout can be supplemented with traditional strength training.
  • The Hollywood Trainer is Janet Jenkins' main signature program, consisting of 2 blocks: for ideal hips and buttocks and for ideal abs. Its peculiarity lies in the combination of several sports disciplines: Pilates, kinesthetics and classical fitness aerobics to music.
  • Cardio Kickboxing - better known as the Janet Jenkins Kickboxing Party, is part of the previous large Hollywood Trainer complex. Ideal for those who enjoy dance-based activities. Beautiful abs and firm buttocks will be a bonus to your good mood.

Perfect abs from a Hollywood trainer

The first part of Janet Jenkins’ program “The Hollywood Trainer” offers to pump up the abdominal muscles in a short 20 minutes, affecting absolutely all their parts - internal and external, oblique, straight. Additionally, the back and lower back are worked on, which are also indirectly responsible for the ideal appearance of the abdomen, but women often do not pay attention to them. Janet Jenkins herself clarifies that:

  • Her program for perfect abs is complex, so the first classes can last more than half an hour, because... The exercises will be performed intermittently.
  • You need to use this complex together with aerobic training if you need not only ideal abs, but also the absence of fat deposits on the abdomen, because it does not burn, but pumps up.

Among the features of classes for perfect abs:

  • Seamlessly transition from exercise to exercise: You can precisely follow the pace set by the trainer without stopping the video playback to figure out where to place your foot or place your hand.
  • Even if you exercise a couple of times a week, but do the exercises regularly, you can tighten your abdominal area in 2-3 months.
  • Exercises for perfect abs are not about pumping up expressive abs, but about stressing the deep abdominal muscles, so your tummy will remain feminine.

Correction of hips and buttocks

To get rid of deposits on the riding breeches and inner thighs, tighten the buttocks and generally strengthen the leg muscles, you need the second half of The Hollywood Trainer program. According to the star coach, there is not a single area that would not be touched upon in this complex. There is no need to buy sports equipment - you only work with your own weight. Training the hips and buttocks is divided into 2 parts, which differ in the position of the body: first you do it while standing, and then lying down. The program will not help you lose weight, but it pumps up your muscles well.

Who is this workout suitable for?

Many young ladies believe that the cooler the coach, the faster and more efficiently they will achieve the desired result. And therefore, many begin to study according to one program, after a week they jump to another, and as a result are left with nothing. The main condition for losing weight is systematic training. The combined workout from Janet is an excellent complex that you can use to get your figure in order. The workout is designed for people who do five minutes of exercise at least in the morning. If you decide to lose weight, but don’t even have banal warm-up skills, then this workout may seem too hard for you. But for people who lead a more active lifestyle, this training will be the most suitable complex.

The benefits of home workouts

Many women dream of having a beautiful, toned, photogenic stomach. But not everyone has the opportunity to go on a diet and visit the gym or fitness club every day. Janet Jenkins gives a set of exercises that you can do at home in just 20 minutes. The advantages of such activities are as follows:

  • Subscriptions to the gym and gym are quite expensive, but it is advisable to exercise every day. Accordingly, these activities save the family budget.
  • The ability to control the level of load and the number of workouts.
  • Time saving - classes will be conducted at home, and you will not have to waste time traveling to the fitness center and back.
  • The opportunity to create a suitable training environment for yourself - turn on your favorite music.
  • The only special equipment you need is a fitness mat.

Benefits of training

Any workout that is carried out systematically will give a positive effect and build a beautiful body. Janet has developed her own complex - effective exercises that are familiar to many athletes. “Perfect Abs” is a 20-minute continuous workout focused on strengthening your abdominal muscles.

Representatives of the fair sex all over the world fell in love with the program from the Hollywood trainer for its simplicity and results. The complex is designed in such a way that absolutely all abdominal muscles are strengthened:

  • internal and external;
  • oblique and straight;
  • muscles in the lumbar region.

The main block of the complex lasts 17 minutes and includes:

  • twisting;
  • body lifts;
  • leg kicks from a lying position;
  • exercises lying on your stomach for the lower back and waist;
  • isothermal exercises.

After an intense workout, stretch for 3 minutes; you should not skip it, because stretching increases muscle strength and relaxes them.

When performing the complex, you do not need to jump, run, or stomp. This type of training can be done safely at home, without fear of disturbing your neighbors.

The exercises are very easy to perform; you don’t have to think about the pace, where and how to place your foot, or how to turn. And at the same time, with apparent simplicity, you can feel the work of every muscle. For an untrained person, this is an excellent complex.

The Benefits of Training with Janet Jenkins

The owner of a sculpted figure has been going to the gym since childhood.
She is used to training without sparing herself, and now she demands the same full dedication from her clients. Pink admitted that it was only thanks to the exactingness and rigor of her mentor that she achieved such fantastic results. Of course, Janet tailors her programs to each client, plus develops a menu, but standard single fitness classes also have positive aspects:

  • ease of performing exercises;
  • the opportunity to train without others;
  • independent selection of time and duration of the lesson;
  • minimal financial costs;
  • choosing the pace of the workout (if necessary, you can pause and catch your breath).

The trainer is aware of the difficulties faced by people who train online. She does everything to ensure that inexperienced athletes work conscientiously and achieve their goals. Her fun complex will help:

  • increase endurance;
  • improve muscle tone;
  • make the body more prominent;
  • get rid of “ears” on the hips;
  • become more graceful and flexible;
  • form an elastic rear – strong buttocks;
  • make your legs slimmer and more graceful;
  • improve posture;
  • tighten your stomach (many leg exercises work the abdominal muscles).

Flawless Figure with Janet Jenkins

The popular trainer advises combining the program she created with the aerobic exercises you like, if you need to not only build muscles, but also achieve fat burning.

To achieve maximum effect, you should adjust the menu: before doing exercises, consume proteins that do not include carbohydrates, then eat a salad (200 g). A stunning effect can be achieved with several sessions per week.

Despite its simplicity, the set of exercises was compiled by Janet quite competently. The first part is performed lying down to maximally pump the muscles of the buttocks, the second is a set of fitness programs for the hips:

  • squats
  • lunges
  • swings

Pros and cons of classes

Among the advantages of Janet's programs are:

  • ease of doing exercises at home;
  • when doing abdominal exercises, you only need a mat;
  • for exercises with the hips and buttocks, a lot of space is required so that you can swing your arms and legs without fear;
  • There are no jumps in Jenkins' workouts;
  • All parts of the hips, abdomen, buttocks are developed.

The disadvantages of such training are mainly noticed by those who do not want to work independently. It is necessary to independently select a set of exercises for warming up, since there is no aerobic exercise. The Hollywood Trainer complex builds muscles and does not remove excess fat deposits.


Pros and cons of training

Regarding Janet Jenkins' programs, reviews are mostly positive. The main advantage is the ability to study at home. To work the buttocks and thighs you only need space, to pump up your abs - a mat

The important thing is that there are no “loud” exercises in the complex that could disturb the neighbors. Additionally, you can note:

  • According to reviews, studying with Janet Jenkins is not boring and not too easy (in terms of load). The trainer is very positive, and the training itself is energetic;
  • no problem area is left unattended; all parts of the buttocks and thighs are treated without exception.

Disadvantages in the program are noted mainly by those who do not want to work independently:

  • since there is no aerobic exercise, before performing the complexes you will need to independently select warm-up exercises;
  • Hollywood training is not a fat-burning workout, it only helps build muscle.


Training with a Hollywood trainer is loved by many due to its absolute accessibility, extraordinary positivity and high efficiency. Janet designed each program so that it would be as useful as possible for creating a beautiful body and getting rid of extra pounds. Most of the exercises are accessible even to beginners, and the class is so energetic that the workout flies by.

Perfect abs

In the first part of the program, Janet is asked to pump up her abdominal muscles in a short 20 minutes. During training, all muscles are affected: external, internal, rectus and oblique. Additionally, the lower back and back are worked on, which are also responsible for the ideal appearance of the tummy.

Women rarely pay attention to these areas

Janet herself says the following about this complex:

the program for ideal abs is quite complex, and the first classes can last more than 30 minutes, since the exercises will be performed intermittently; If it is important not only to get perfect abs, but also to lose extra pounds, you should use the complex together with aerobic training.

Nuances of training for perfect abs:

  • by exercising even twice every 8 days, but regularly, you can tighten your abdominal muscles in two to three months;
  • in the program, the transition from one exercise to the next is structured in such a way that you can follow the pace set by the trainer without stopping the video to figure out where to put your hand or foot correctly.

Janet Jenkins Workout Program

Deep familiarity with many sports made it possible to choose the most effective elements from them, and the study of medicine made it possible to understand how different types of loads work and how they affect a person. Programs from Janet Jenkins are ideal in duration and content, as evidenced by reviews of women who have completed them. The Hollywood trainer places special emphasis on high-intensity cardio training, arguing that there is no better load for problem areas of the legs and buttocks.

Janet Jenkins offers women a large selection of training complexes with which you can not only lose weight, but also improve your body quality and sports skills:

  • Stretching – This perfect stretching program from Janet Jenkins begins with strength training that promotes good fat burning and muscle pumping. The degree of difficulty can be varied, so each girl will choose the perfect set for herself. Finish with stretching to relax the muscles. The duration of the lesson is an hour, and this complex from Janet Jenkins is especially popular with American stars.
  • Yoga is a less energetic and complex option for correcting problem areas, including hips and buttocks, which is aimed at girls who do not value cardio and strength training. Weight loss occurs more slowly, but yoga from Janet Jenkins is not classical, and therefore more effective in burning fat. This workout can be supplemented with traditional strength training.
  • The Hollywood Trainer is Janet Jenkins' main signature program, consisting of 2 blocks: for ideal hips and buttocks and for ideal abs. Its peculiarity lies in the combination of several sports disciplines: Pilates, kinesthetics and classical fitness aerobics to music.
  • Cardio Kickboxing - better known as the Janet Jenkins Kickboxing Party, is part of the previous large Hollywood Trainer complex. Ideal for those who enjoy dance-based activities. Beautiful abs and firm buttocks will be a bonus to your good mood.

Perfect abs from a Hollywood trainer

The first part of Janet Jenkins’ program “The Hollywood Trainer” offers to pump up the abdominal muscles in a short 20 minutes, affecting absolutely all their parts - internal and external, oblique, straight. Additionally, the back and lower back are worked on, which are also indirectly responsible for the ideal appearance of the abdomen, but women often do not pay attention to them. Janet Jenkins herself clarifies that:

  • Her program for perfect abs is complex, so the first classes can last more than half an hour, because... The exercises will be performed intermittently.
  • You need to use this complex together with aerobic training if you need not only ideal abs, but also the absence of fat deposits on the abdomen, because it does not burn, but pumps up.

Among the features of classes for perfect abs:

  • Seamlessly transition from exercise to exercise: You can precisely follow the pace set by the trainer without stopping the video playback to figure out where to place your foot or place your hand.
  • Even if you exercise a couple of times a week, but do the exercises regularly, you can tighten your abdominal area in 2-3 months.
  • Exercises for perfect abs are not about pumping up expressive abs, but about stressing the deep abdominal muscles, so your tummy will remain feminine.

Correction of hips and buttocks

To get rid of deposits on the riding breeches and inner thighs, tighten the buttocks and generally strengthen the leg muscles, you need the second half of The Hollywood Trainer program. According to the star coach, there is not a single area that would not be touched upon in this complex. There is no need to buy sports equipment - you only work with your own weight. Training the hips and buttocks is divided into 2 parts, which differ in the position of the body: first you do it while standing, and then lying down. The program will not help you lose weight, but it pumps up your muscles well.

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