Top 8 exercises for a flat stomach and slender legs

Effective exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides

Physical exercise is very beneficial for the body because:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • increase strength and endurance;
  • reduce the likelihood of depression and apathy, since during exercise the production of the “hormone of happiness” - serotonin is activated;
  • intensively supply cells with oxygen;
  • stimulate brain function, improve concentration, performance, and tendency to learn;
  • reduce insomnia, make sleep better and deeper;
  • slow down the aging process of cells and tissues;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • strengthen the muscle corset, improve posture.

The main thing is to choose an individual set of exercises that matches your skills and health status. For people who are quite overweight, for example, many types of fitness are contraindicated, as they can cause injuries to the knees and lower back, increased blood pressure, and much more. In this case, a simple walk is ideal as a workout. It has been scientifically proven that walking for 30-40 minutes daily significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, improves well-being, and increases the overall tone of the body.

Causes of excess fat

Fat in the abdomen and sides can accumulate for various reasons:

  1. Health problems. Extra centimeters around the waist may indicate the presence of various diseases, as well as visceral fat. How's that? — deposits around internal organs that interfere with the normal functioning of systems.
  2. Wrong lifestyle: sedentary work, an abundance of fatty foods, fast food, lack of sleep - all this can cause the appearance of excess fat. How is that?
  3. Psychological factors: inability to cope with various life circumstances, the habit of “eating” stress, eating for company or out of boredom.

Excess weight appears for one or several reasons at the same time, so in an effective fight against excess weight, an integrated approach is needed: working with a psychologist to form the right eating habits, exercise and proper nutrition.

Where to start training?

Training must be carried out regularly, at least three times a week, only then will it be possible to obtain visible results. Divide each session into two parts: cardio and strength.

Cardio exercises help the body invigorate and prepare for the upcoming load, in addition:

  • help speed up metabolism;
  • reduce the level of cortisol - this is the so-called “stress hormone”, an excess of which often leads to overeating and breakdowns, sleep disturbances;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, increasing endurance;
  • actively burn calories when compared with the second, strength part of the session.

Cardio warm-up should include intense exercises, quickly replacing each other, so that the body does not have time to get used to it. You can alternate between jumping and running with high hip raises, squats and lunges. It is optimal that this part lasts at least 20 minutes, and for weight loss it will be useful to do full-fledged cardio training 2-3 times weekly for 40-60 minutes. Even an active walk at a fast pace will be an excellent option.


Nutritionists know how to get a flat stomach at home and give their recommendations.

  1. Nutritionists recommend that girls who are trying to get a flat stomach should give up high-carbohydrate foods and replace them with foods that contain a lot of protein. Sweets, pastries, and white bread are prohibited. With increased protein consumption, the body actively burns carbohydrates and fats. If the amount of protein consumed increases, even without changes in diet, 100 more calories will be burned daily.
  2. It is also necessary to limit the intake of fats into the body, but you cannot completely abandon them, as this harms metabolism. You will need to avoid fast food, smoked, fried.
  3. Salt is also harmful for those who decide to lose weight, as it retains water in the body. You should not only salt your food less, but also avoid eating store-bought pickles, such as pickled cucumbers and tomatoes.
  4. It is recommended to drink plenty of water - at least 2 liters per day. If you also do exercises, then water will actively remove toxins from the body, as well as fat breakdown products.
  5. You need to monitor your caloric intake. The main principle of losing weight is to consume fewer calories than you burn. It is recommended to reduce calorie intake by about 500-1000 kcal, but no more. Too strict dietary restrictions lead to changes in metabolism. The body experiencing stress begins to accumulate fat rather than burn it.
  6. Food should be rich in dietary fiber. Firstly, fiber absorbs moisture, i.e. prevents the formation of edema, secondly, it, like a brush, cleans out all deposits from the gastrointestinal tract, thirdly, it creates a feeling of satiety, preventing you from overeating.

  7. Nutritionists also advise consuming more lactic acid products, as they contain beneficial lactobacilli, which contribute to changes in intestinal microflora, which prevents the gain of extra pounds and stimulates the process of reducing waist size. The most useful from this point of view are fermentum and amylovorus.
  1. The diet should contain monounsaturated fatty acids. These are not the fats that are deposited in subcutaneous fat, but, on the contrary, healthy ones - they prevent the accumulation of abdominal fat. Such substances are found in large quantities in olive oil, nuts, any seeds, and avocados.
  2. You should avoid carbonated drinks; they contain large amounts of sugar and other harmful substances.
  3. Consumption of unprocessed food is of great benefit for weight loss: fresh vegetables and fruits, milk, nuts. Such products retain much more vitamins and microelements.
  4. The entire volume of food must be divided into several meals. There should be no snacks between them. It is advisable to eat at regular intervals. It is recommended to develop a diet in such a way as to prevent hunger and not exceed the daily caloric intake.
  5. You should eat lean foods 2-4 times a week, but this does not mean you need to starve.
  6. You should not exclude fatty fish from your diet, as they contain omega-3 fatty acids and a large amount of protein. It is these substances that help you lose weight and maintain a healthy body.
  7. Drinking tea and coffee has a fat-burning effect. Green tea allows you to burn 17% more fat, and coffee – 11%. In addition, tea and coffee not only burn fats, but also prevent their formation.

A set of exercises for burning fat

Currently, so-called interval training using various systems is actively used in the world of fitness. They are recognized by experts as the most effective: one type of load replaces another, so the body does not have time to get used to it, it constantly works at the limit, actively burning calories. This training strengthens the muscles, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, improves metabolism, and accelerates protein synthesis.

Such training includes three main groups of exercises:

  1. Aerobic: running, cycling, brisk walking, skipping rope, jumping, dancing. They increase heart rate, increase sweating, help the body warm up and prepare for the next part.
  2. Strength: crunches, planks, bends, leg raises. They are designed to strengthen muscles.
  3. Gymnastics or stretching is the final stage of training, which helps to relax, restore breathing and heart rate.

For women, yoga may be suitable for weight loss, asanas (movements, exercises) in which they smoothly replace each other, promote calm, reduce stress, but work out the main muscle groups quite well. You can do them at home, and replace the mat with a regular towel.

Running or walking

Running or walking - what to choose for weight loss? Most people would likely say that the first option is definitely the winner. For many, a leisurely walk seems like an ordinary activity that can in no way contribute to fat burning. Is it so? Let's look at the main differences:

  1. Walking helps strengthen the calf muscles, while running strengthens the chest, back, shoulder girdle, hips and buttocks.
  2. While jogging, a person experiences a “flight phase,” which causes a fairly large impact load on the spine and joints. There is no such phase in walking.
  3. Walking is safe, which cannot be said about running, which significantly increases the likelihood of injuries and various pathologies due to increased stress on the heart, respiratory system, spine, and joints.

Running and walking affect each person differently. If there are no health problems, jogging brings moral and physical pleasure, then it is better to choose it for weight loss. If you have problems with the cardiovascular system, spine, joints, or every jog causes moral discomfort, then walking is the best option. In this case, it is advisable to walk for at least an hour, maintaining a fairly fast pace; the daily norm will be about 8,000-10,000 thousand steps or 5-7 kilometers - this is a recipe for longevity, a good remedy for many diseases.

Plank exercise

The “plank” exercise is deservedly considered a classic by fitness instructors, since it involves almost all major muscle groups:

  • press: the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles are used;
  • back: the lower back is strengthened, posture is corrected;
  • pectoralis major, deltoids;
  • gluteal;
  • quadriceps;
  • calf;
  • hips.

When performing the “plank” exercise, the load is evenly distributed across all muscle groups, which ensures effectiveness. In addition, when performed correctly, there is no load on the knee joints, which makes the bar accessible to people with musculoskeletal disorders, but only after consultation with a doctor and under the guidance of an experienced fitness instructor.


The classic plank belongs to the isometric group of exercises: when performed correctly, there is no load on the joints, the body remains motionless, statically fixed. It has two varieties:

  1. Focus on straight arms. This option is the simplest, accessible to beginners, because the load falls on the legs.
  2. Emphasis on the elbows. Maintaining this position is more difficult, since the weight is distributed evenly between all support points: forearms, elbows, leg muscles. It will take a lot of effort to keep your body level.

To perform, you need to focus on straight arms or elbows, as for push-ups. The body should be elongated in a straight line. The exercise has a second name - “plank”, which accurately describes the essence of the pose: there should be no arching in the lower back, buttocks, legs straight, knees pulled up. This position must be held for 20-30 seconds, during which all muscle groups will be felt, and slight trembling or a feeling of warmth may also appear - all this indicates the correctness of the execution. The plank is easy to do at home and does not require any special equipment or form.


The side plank engages the muscles of the waist and sides. It can also be performed using a straight arm and elbow, and the sequence is as follows:

  • take the position as for a classic plank;
  • turn the body 90 degrees, taking a stable position: one hand rests on the floor, the mat, the other must be raised up;
  • stretch your entire body in one line, there should be a feeling of tension in the waist and lateral muscles of the torso;
  • fix the position for 20-30 seconds.

The side plank requires control over balance and balance, improves coordination and concentration.


It can be difficult for a woman to achieve a flat stomach due to anatomical features: in order to bear a child, a sufficient layer of fat is necessary. But in most cases, of course, excess weight is a consequence of poor nutrition, lack of physical activity and psychological problems. The main thing is to take charge of yourself in time, and you can start with the simplest exercise - twisting.

There are several varieties:

  1. Classic.
  2. Reverses (or leg raises).
  3. Obliques - “elbow-knee”.

They can be performed at home using only a mat or in the gym using special equipment. Let's look at the technique in more detail further - in the section “Exercises lying on the floor.”

Breathing exercises

Recently, breathing exercises have become widespread, which guarantees that with its help you can remove a hanging belly and sides in a short time. It can be used as an addition to yoga poses or regular fitness to enhance the functioning of the respiratory system. In addition, such exercises can be used as meditation, to relax, calm down, they can become a good weapon to combat stress.

But with all this, every sane person should understand that a hanging belly can be removed reliably and without harm to health only through constant training, a calorie deficit, and changing eating habits, and these breathing techniques will only help speed up the process somewhat.

Jump rope

Jumping rope is a good option to start and finish your workout; it will help the body invigorate, warm up and warm up before the strength part. In addition, regular jumping:

  • improve coordination;
  • promote the development of the cardiovascular system;
  • strengthens the lungs and airways;
  • correct posture.

3-5 minutes before and after training are enough to increase the effectiveness of your workouts. The only caveat is that jumping rope is contraindicated for people with heart and spine diseases, women during menstruation, pregnancy, and those with a high degree of obesity.

Gymnastic hoop

Another fairly common way for women to reduce volume in the abdomen and waist is to exercise using a special gymnastic hoop - a hula hoop. It can really help, but its effect will be local - it will take a few centimeters from the body area, all other areas will remain untouched.

In addition, it does not strengthen the muscles, but only has a massage effect and promotes lymph outflow. A hula hoop can leave bruises and bruises on the skin, it all depends on its weight and the quality of the rubber from which it is made.

Hula hoop exercises are contraindicated for women during menstrual periods and pregnancy, with gynecological diseases, or the presence of rashes, itching or irritation on the skin.


Bending over helps strengthen the lateral abdominal and waist muscles. This is a simple but quite effective exercise, familiar to many from school. The technique is as follows:

  • starting position standing, feet shoulder-width apart;
  • as you exhale, you need to raise your right hand up and tilt to the left, as if squeezing your left side;
  • while inhaling, return to the starting position;
  • As you exhale, twist in the other direction.

To enhance the effect, you can pick up 0.5-1.5 kg dumbbells or attach weights to your wrists. This will engage the quadriceps, biceps, chest and back muscles.

Exercises while lying on the floor

Not every person can afford a subscription to a fitness center or find time to visit it; the solution is to train at home without equipment, all you need is a mat.

Lying on your back

Starting position - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, standing on the floor. As you exhale, you need to lift your head, neck, and shoulder blades off the floor, and as you inhale, slowly return to the starting position. It is recommended to do 2-3 repetitions 15-20 times.

It is necessary to rise and fall slowly, this way you will feel more tension and the effect of the workout will be better. You can combine sit-ups with any cardio exercise to create a good interval workout:

  • 30 jumping rope;
  • 10 sit-ups while lying on your back;
  • 10 jumping jacks;
  • 20 seconds in plank;
  • 20 side bends (10 on each side);
  • 30 jumping ropes.

3-4 such circles will take 10-15 minutes, but will work almost all muscle groups - an ideal exercise for the early morning. Can be performed five times weekly, which will significantly improve physical performance. form.

Lying leg raise

Lying leg raises or reverse crunches are an effective exercise for the lower abdomen, which is often the most problematic area for women. The technique is as follows:

  • The starting position is lying on your back, your lower back and buttocks should be pressed tightly to the floor. This must be monitored when performing the exercise, otherwise unpleasant, painful sensations in the lumbar region may occur;
  • as you exhale, you need to raise your legs about 45 degrees, you will feel a strong tension in the lower abdomen;
  • while inhaling, lower your legs.

Beginners can lift their legs one at a time, so the exercise will be easier to perform. For advanced athletes, on the contrary, you can complicate it: while exhaling, lift your head, neck, shoulder blades and legs from the floor, pull them towards each other.

Exercise "scissors"

The scissors exercise targets the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles, as well as the front of the thighs. It is more suitable for advanced athletes, as it is a more complicated version of the previous exercise. Technique:

  • starting position lying on your back, buttocks, lower back, shoulder blades pressed tightly to the floor;
  • As you exhale, you need to raise your legs at an angle of about 45 degrees and, while holding this position, make “scissors” with them about 8-10 times.

It is recommended to do at least three approaches and add to interval training. To make it more difficult, you can wear weights on your ankles.

Elbow-knee ab exercise

“Elbow-knee” helps strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles; to perform it you need:

  • take the starting position lying on your back, knees bent, lower back pressed firmly to the floor;
  • hands behind the head, elbows spread to the side;
  • as you exhale, you need to lift your body off the floor: head, neck, shoulder blades;
  • twist, pull your left elbow to your right knee;
  • while inhaling, return to the starting position;
  • as you exhale, change sides.

Repeat 8-10 times for each side. The exercise can also be included in interval training.

Exercise "bicycle"

The “bicycle” exercise is familiar to many people from school or even kindergarten. It is quite useful, effective for the abdominal muscles, and promotes their active development. The technique is as follows:

  • starting position lying on your back, lower back pressed tightly to the floor, legs bent at the knees;
  • hands crossed behind the head;
  • as you exhale, you need to lift your head, neck and shoulder blades off the mat;
  • do a “bicycle” with your feet for 10-20 seconds, the time depends on the level of physical fitness.

“Bicycle” must be done at least three times; you should feel warmth and tension in the abdominal muscles.

Day 5: Full belly workout (top, bottom, sides)

This block presents effective comprehensive exercises for all abdominal muscles that will make your muscles burn and make your abs like iron. Perform the exercises at a moderate pace, trying to keep your abs in constant tension to increase the load.

Crunches with arms raised

Lie on your back, bend your knees and stretch your arms behind your head. Raise your head and shoulder blades, tensing your abs. While lifting the body, spread your arms to the sides and bring them together, touching your knees. Return to the starting position by performing the movements in reverse order. Crunches pump up the upper abs, and arm raises help to load the side muscles of the core.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions.

Knee-elbow crunches with leg straightening

Staying on your back, place your hands behind your head and lift your legs 45 degrees. Now raise your head and upper body while simultaneously bending your knees and pulling them towards your chest. Return to the starting position and straighten your knees. A more complex version of the crunch allows you to simultaneously work the upper and lower abs, activating blood flow, stimulating fat burning and muscle growth.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions.

Bicycle with leg swing

Staying on your back, hands behind your head, lift your legs off the floor and bend your left knee. Now do a diagonal twist to your left knee, trying to touch it with your right elbow. Lock yourself in this position and swing your right leg up and down. Return to the starting position, bend your right leg at the knee and repeat all over again. A complex exercise keeps the abdominal muscles in constant tension, which stimulates anabolism, making the muscles stronger and more prominent.

How much to do: 8-10 repetitions on each side.

Fold with knee bend

Lie on your back, straighten your legs, place your arms straight behind your head. Lift your body up, lifting your lower back off the floor. At the same time, bend your knees and bring them towards your chest, stretching your arms forward. Then return to the starting position. This complex abdominal exercise not only works your abs, but also improves your strength, endurance and flexibility.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions.

Rock climber

Stand in a lying position, placing your palms firmly on the floor to feel the stability of your position. Bend your right knee and bring it towards your chest, go back and do the same with your left leg. Climbing is a classic exercise for working the core and abs; it additionally engages and strengthens the muscles of the back, arms and legs.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions on each side.

Double crunches with pulsation

Lie on your back, straighten your arms and place them behind your head. Raise your head and arms, lift your legs off the floor. From this position, perform body crunches while simultaneously bending your knees and stretching your arms forward. At the top point, make three pulsations and return to the starting position. Pulsation promotes pumping of the muscles, as it forces them to remain under tension longer, promoting the activation of metabolic processes and blood flow in the abdominal area.

How many to perform: 8-10 repetitions.

Seated diagonal turns

Sit on the floor, bend your knees, fold your arms in front of you, elbows to the sides. Tilt your body diagonally to the left, try to reach the floor with your elbow. Now return to the center and tilt to the right and diagonally, performing a twist. A simple exercise will help you pump up your oblique muscles to work on problem areas on your sides.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions on each side.

"Dead Bug"

Lie on your back, raise your legs and bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees. Raise your hands up. Now lower your left hand behind your head while straightening your right leg. At the same time, do not lower your leg to the floor. Come back, now lower your right hand behind your head and straighten your left leg. Perform the movements one at a time at a calm pace. The exercise develops coordination of movements, works the lower abs and strengthens the entire core.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions on each side.

Butterfly Pose Raises

Lying on your back, clasp your hands behind your head. Bend your legs at the knees and spread them apart, close your feet. Lift your body up, lifting your lower back off the floor. Lower your hands to your feet between your knees and return back. While lifting, keep your back straight so as not to overload your lower back. The exercise pumps up all the abdominal muscles, and also makes the body flexible and resilient.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions.


Lie on your back and spread your arms to the sides, lift your legs up and bend your knees. Now lower your knees left and right, trying to touch the floor. Do not lift your upper body off the floor; only your legs work. Move at a rhythmic pace, but not too fast, to give your abdominal muscles a good workout. The exercise will be an excellent completion of a workout for the abdomen at home, as it will not only pump up the abs, but will also relieve tension from the back and help you relax.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions on each side.

Repeat the workout in 2 circles if time and stamina permit.

Expert opinion

Experienced fitness instructors say it straight: you shouldn’t believe tempting “before and after” photos or mythical reviews that promise to pump up your butt or get six-pack abs in 10 days. Working on the body is a long process that combines not only regular training, but also proper nutrition and work with psychology. I have already explained this sequence, see above. Restrictions on food and exhausting activities will not give results if a person does not know how to cope with stress, continues to eat difficult life situations and problems, or always eats with everyone in the household.

Therefore, for high-quality, competent weight loss without harm to health, both physical and psychological, it is better to contact specialists at a weight loss clinic. Only they will be able to approach the solution of the issue in a comprehensive manner, choose a methodology that will easily enter into life and be firmly established and become part of it.

Basic rules for making a wasp waist

  1. Take a holistic approach to losing weight. It is necessary to adjust the diet: exclude flour, sweet and fatty foods from consumption. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Combine diet with exercise.
  2. Watch your waist size. Measure your curves.
  3. Train slowly. Focus on the technique of performing exercises for a wasp waist. Feel the muscle tension.
  4. Ventilate the room before class.
  5. Exercise 2 hours after eating and 1 hour before eating.
  6. You cannot hold your breath while tensing your muscles.
  7. If your strength quickly leaves you, you should reduce the number of repetitions for the sake of the quality of the exercises.
  8. It’s better to end your workouts with stretching. This will relax your muscles.

Read: Hourglass Waist Exercises

Wasp waist in a week

Sudden weight loss is very stressful for the body, so it is recommended to avoid sudden weight loss. However, if the situation takes you by surprise, follow these rules:

  • Choose a day on which you will exclusively consume either fruit, buckwheat, or kefir.
  • Follow a strict diet. Don't eat sweet foods, starchy foods or fatty foods. Replace coffee and carbonated drinks with water. Prefer fresh fruits and vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese, and boiled chicken breast. Eat every 4 hours. Avoid eating before bed.
  • Train according to a specially designed complex.

What affects the thinness of the waist?

Subtract 1 m from your height to determine what waist size will be proportional for you.

  • Heredity . People who are not predisposed to obesity acquire a wasp waist much faster. It’s not easy for girls who have a small distance between the ribs and the pelvic bone.
  • Hormonal background . The waist will be aspen if estrogen is present in excess. If there is not enough female hormone in the body, the figure will look different.
  • Physical exercise . Waist size depends on the amount of subcutaneous fat. Regular exercise ensures your stomach is flat and your waist is slim.

Read: Abdominal exercises for girls at home

Useful tips

  • Take the stairs as often as possible. Avoid using the elevator.
  • For sweets, prefer dried fruits. Eat often, but in small portions.
  • Choose shoes with heels.
  • Watch your posture. This will visually increase your height, you will become visually slimmer. In addition, deep breathing provides cells with oxygen.

Common mistakes

  1. Passion for low-calorie diets. This slows down your metabolism. Better regulate your diet properly.
  2. Long-term cardio training. You need to practice for about half an hour. Exercise before breakfast if you want to achieve maximum results.
  3. Inappropriate set of exercises. Avoid bending with weights in favor of yoga. Don't forget to fix your position when performing each of the poses.
  4. Daily pumping of the press. It is wrong to do this exercise every day because the muscles need time to recover. Do the plank.
  5. Refusal to train other muscle groups. Tension should be distributed evenly between all muscles.

Read: How to make your waist thin quickly at home

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