How to work your lower abs: exercises for men

  • Effective exercises for the lower abdomen.
  • Reverse crunches.
  • Hold or boat pose.
  • Leg raises with a ball.
  • Bringing your knees to your chest on a fitball.
  • Hanging leg raises.
  • Plank.
  • Nutrition when doing lower abdominal exercises for girls.
  • Perfect abs are the trend of this season. If men are looking for ways to achieve definition, then girls are interested in the possibility of getting rid of fat in the lower abdomen. And this is not surprising, because around us we are constantly “pressured” by models with ideal forms, celebrities posing in underwear, professional athletes posting their selfies on social networks.

    What should ordinary people do? How to achieve the desired result in the form of an excellent pumped, flat tummy? The answer is obvious - exercises for the lower abs. By choosing the right complex, you will quickly become the owner of a beautiful, slender figure.

    Why is it difficult to work out your lower abs: common mistakes

    The lower abdomen is an area that requires increased attention. It just so happens that the human body “loves” to store fat in this very place. Therefore, when working with the lower press, an integrated approach is necessary. This is the only way to achieve excellent results. We also try not to make mistakes in the process:

    • We don’t perceive the lower abs as one isolated muscle. The abdomen of a girl or a man is made up of several muscle fibers that require a special approach. Having found out the anatomical features of this area, you can choose the most suitable set of exercises, correctly placing emphasis during pumping.
    • We are not afraid to add loads. There are a huge number of bodyweight exercises aimed at working the lower abdomen, but over time they cease to give the desired effect. In this case, we are not afraid to complicate the elements. Additional load is an excellent opportunity to take a new peak and stimulate the muscles to work more intensely.
    • We don’t straighten the back while working on the tummy. In order for the lower abdominal muscles to actually contract, it is necessary to ensure that the spine naturally curves. A straight back is important when doing exercises for the legs and back, but not the abdomen.
    • Don't rest after each repetition. We pump the lower abdomen without rest. A short rest is allowed only if you feel very tired or tired. In this case, 20-30 seconds are enough to normalize your breathing and relax a little.
    • We are not in a hurry to do repetitions. Beginners often commit the sin of being overzealous, trying to do as much and as quickly as possible during their first workout. But this is a serious mistake. The main goal of someone losing weight is not quantity, but quality, the “purity” of performing the elements. Believe me, the effect will be much greater.

    Helpful advice. It is not enough just to organize the training process competently. You also need to take care of your nutrition. Do not neglect diets and a balanced menu. Otherwise, you will definitely never get rid of fat deposits in the lower abdomen, even by regularly doing exercises. We remove all junk food from the diet and add vegetables, fruits, and cereals prepared with a minimum amount of salt and flavor enhancers.

    Lower press: features

    Regardless of gender, for athletes who are involved in fitness or “bodybuilding”, pumping up this part of the abs is a pressing issue. In order to perform exercises for this muscle group as effectively as possible, it is necessary to become familiar with its features from an anatomical point of view. All people have the same muscle group of the abs, but each person has individual characteristics in the shape and number of abs.

    Press departments:

    • upper;
    • lower;
    • side.

    In the process of lifting the body, the upper press works, lifting the legs – the lower one, and inclined movements of the body – the lateral one. Thus, to work out the department we need, we will need to use different types of movements of the lower part of the body. The lower abs in an inflated and toned state eliminates the problem of a sagging belly, while the male figure takes on shape, and in women the waist is formed. However, you should know that it is impossible to quickly form sculpted abdominal muscles if your diet has not been adjusted.

    Rules for training the lower abdominal muscles

    When starting to do exercises on the lower abdomen, you need to remember a few simple rules, following which will allow you to spend your time during training with maximum benefit:

    • You should spend at least 15-20 minutes daily working out the muscles of the lower abdomen. Regularity is the main condition for successful weight loss in this area.
    • Emphasis on the quality of execution of elements - we follow the technique. To see the result in your mirror after a few weeks, it is important to perform the movements as competently as possible, taking into account each technique and controlling your breathing.
    • We work on the lower abs, taking our time. Rushing can lead to negative results and even serious injuries.
    • We train at certain hours. The ideal time to perform a set of exercises is morning or evening. We eat an hour and a half before training.
    • Don't forget about proper breathing. This is a very serious point that absolutely cannot be forgotten. The greatest effect from movements is achieved not only by competent technique, but also by how correctly a person breathes.

    Helpful advice. For exercise to have a long-term effect, you must first get rid of fat in the problem area. Only then can you lean into strength training. For active fat burning, cardio training is suitable, for example, cycling, treadmill, swimming, etc.

    Option 1

    You can learn more about how to pump up your lower abdominal muscles from our article.


    The main secret to turning a two-pack into a full six pack is to do only effective exercises for your lower abs and train your obliques, exercise intensely, and watch your diet so that your calorie intake does not exceed your calorie expenditure.

    This superset pumps up both muscle groups. Make sure as you perform the exercise that you maintain tension in the working muscles throughout each repetition of each set to get the most out of your workout.

    1A Hanging Knee Raise

    Exercise works the lower abs

    4 sets, 15 reps, rest 10 seconds.

    Take a hanging position on the bar or rings, keep your feet together and your legs straight. Tighten your abs and bring your knees to your chest. Stay at the top for a while, then lower your legs to the starting position.

    1B Hanging colony rotations

    Exercise works the lower abs

    4 sets, 15 reps, rest 60 seconds.

    Start in a hanging position with the colonies raised. Keeping your abs tense, lower your knees first to the right side, then lift them through the left side, then vice versa, this is one repetition. Don't let your knees drop down.


    This three-move exercise builds on advanced variations of the plank exercise to target the deep core muscles that are responsible for stabilizing the core. The lower abs and obliques are also fully worked. As with other plank variations, engage your abs and glutes at the beginning of each set. Keep your hips high and don't let them sag.

    2A Shoulder touch in plank position

    The exercise uses all the abdominal muscles

    4 sets, 12 reps, rest 10 seconds.

    Start from a lying position with your hands under your shoulders on the floor. Tighten your abs, lift one arm up and touch the opposite shoulder, do the same with the other arm, this is one repetition.

    2B Plank “Superman”

    The exercise uses all the abdominal muscles

    4 sets, 12 reps, rest 10 seconds.

    Take a plank position with your elbows on the floor. Raise one leg and the opposite arm, holding them for a while. Return to the starting position and repeat with the opposite arm and leg for one repetition.

    2B Jack Plank

    The exercise develops the abdominal muscles and oblique muscles.

    4 sets, 20 reps, rest 60 seconds.

    Get into a plank position with your forearms on the floor. Maintaining tension in your core muscles, jump your legs out to the sides, then jump back to the starting position. Perform each jump under control and do not allow your hips to sag as you perform the exercise.

    Effective exercises for the lower abdomen

    Working on your lower abs is very different from working on your upper abs. Its main feature is the need to tear off the legs in the process, and not the head and shoulders. By performing the “correct” elements, any girl in a short time will be able to “shape” herself a beautiful, thin waist and get rid of the hated tummy that looks ugly through her clothes.

    We bring to your attention the following exercises to work out the lower abdomen - excellent results are guaranteed.

    Main conclusions

    The press can be trained at home, including for men. At the same time, it is important to build the right training program, establish a diet and daily routine. Training should also include exercises on other parts of the body; a flat stomach cannot be achieved without cardio and versatile movements that affect the body as a whole.

    Exercises for the lower abs should be performed in combination with movements that affect the entire muscle. That is, exercises on individual parts of the muscle are considered auxiliary and are used after the main ones. This approach will bring the best results.

    Reverse crunches

    • We lie down on our backs. We bend our legs at the knee joint and raise them a little. They must be lifted off the floor.

    Note. If the movement is done on a special gymnastic bench, then we hold on to the seat located above our heads with our hands. If the lying position is taken on the floor, then the arms are simply extended forward.

    • The upper body remains motionless. We create tension in the abdominal area and pull our legs up. We try to perform the maximum lift.
    • Having risen, we linger for a few moments, then slowly, slowly, lower ourselves.

    Target load on the lower press

    Accented abdominal work will help to remove the lower abdomen in a short time. Strength training for the muscles in the waist area should be performed 3 times a week: Monday, Wednesday, Friday. You should perform 2-3 exercises in one session.

    It is important to keep in mind that the duration of the workout should be in the range of 40 to 50 minutes, and you can start it no earlier than 4 hours after your last meal.


    To perform the exercise effectively and comfortably, it is recommended to use a special, soft substrate - a sports mat.

    Twisting technique:

    1. Lower yourself to a horizontal position with your back down.
    2. Extend and straighten your arms behind your head.
    3. Bring your feet together.
    4. Inhale and (as you exhale) lift the upper part of the body, followed by tilting the chest towards the hips (at the extreme point, the palms should touch the toes).
    5. While inhaling, return to the lying position.

    The number of repetitions is 13-15. Volume of work - 4 episodes. Rest time between sets is 1 minute.

    Reverse crunches

    Unlike classic crunches, this option allows for accentuated, deep pumping of the lower abdomen.

    Execution algorithm:

    1. Lie on your back on a yoga mat.
    2. Fix the position of the body by placing your palms on the sides of the body near the buttocks.
    3. Raise your legs up, cross them at the shins and bend your knees at a right angle (starting position).
    4. As you exhale, lift your pelvis up.
    5. As you inhale, lower your buttocks to the starting position.

    Number of repetitions - 12-14, series - 4-6. The time interval between approaches is 45-55 seconds.

    Straight leg raises

    A simple and effective exercise for pumping up your lower abs at home.

    Implementation technique:

    1. Take the starting position: lie on your back on a gymnastics mat, place your palms near your buttocks and raise your shins 20-30 cm from the floor surface.
    2. At a fast pace, perform 15-20 straight leg raises (at the highest point there should be a right angle between the hips and the stomach).
    3. Rest for 1 minute and repeat the exercise 4 more times.

    Hip lift

    The peculiarity of the exercise is that during its implementation, together with the lower abs, the buttocks and thighs receive a significant load.

    Correctly perform hip raises like this:

    1. Sit on a yoga mat with your back facing down.
    2. Place your palms on the floor, placing them on the sides of your buttocks.
    3. Bend your knees slightly and lift them up (your pelvis remains pressed to the surface).
    4. As you exhale, lift your hips up while simultaneously lifting your pelvis.
    5. As you inhale, slowly lower to the starting position.
    6. Perform 12-15 repetitions.
    7. Rest for 45-65 seconds and do 4 more sets.


    The exercise is recommended to be performed primarily by beginners: it does not require strong abs or good physical preparation.

    Algorithm of actions:

    1. Take a horizontal position lying with your back on a soft surface.
    2. Place your palms under your buttocks.
    3. Straighten your body in one line.
    4. Raise your shins 10 cm from the floor surface.
    5. Within 25-35 seconds, alternately raise and lower your legs in a vertical plane, imitating the movement of scissor blades.
    6. Rest for 1 minute and perform the exercise 3 more times.

    To make the task more difficult, you can put your hands behind your head.

    High angle saddle

    The exercise effectively pumps the entire surface of the rectus abdominis muscle at once.

    The correct way to do a high angle squat is this:

    1. Lie on your back on a sports mat and straighten your body.
    2. Extend your arms along your body.
    3. Lift your legs and shoulder blades off the floor by about 10 cm (starting position).
    4. As you exhale, simultaneously lift your hips and chest towards each other (your legs should be slowly bent at the knees during movement).
    5. While inhaling, return to the starting position.
    6. Perform 14-16 repetitions, then pause for a minute to rest and perform the exercise 4 more times.

    Full plank with twist

    The exercise combines dynamic and static loads on the abdominal muscles.

    Execution algorithm:

    1. Get down on the floor and take a lying position: rest your forearms on the surface at chest level, spread your feet shoulder-width apart and place them on your toes.
    2. Raise your pelvis and align your body in one plane.
    3. Hold this position for 20 seconds.
    4. Lift your left hand off the floor and lift it up, shifting your body weight to your right side.
    5. Fix in this position for 15 seconds.
    6. Return to the lying position and extend your right arm upward, transferring the weight of the body to the left forearm.
    7. Stand in this position for 15 seconds.
    8. Rise to your feet, rest for 40-60 seconds and perform another 3-4 similar series.

    Navasana (boat pose)

    A static Pilates exercise allows you to simultaneously work out the upper and lower abdominal areas.


    1. Sit on a sports mat in a sitting position.
    2. Straighten your legs and bring your shins together.
    3. Maintaining a right angle between your stomach and hips, lean back and stretch your arms forward parallel to the floor (there should be an angle of 45 degrees between the surface and your legs).
    4. Fix in this position for 25-35 seconds.
    5. Rest for 30 seconds and do navasana 3 more times.

    Circle with two feet

    To remove belly fat in a short time, you need to tighten not only your lower abs, but also other abdominal muscles. This exercise copes with this task most effectively.

    Execution algorithm:

    1. Lie on a sports mat with your back down.
    2. Press your shins together and lift your legs high up, helping to maintain core coordination with your palms pressed to the floor on the sides of your buttocks.
    3. Perform a smooth clockwise movement with your legs, simulating drawing a circle in the air.
    4. Perform a similar rotation in the other direction.
    5. Perform 15 repetitions, then rest for 1 minute and do 3 more series.

    "Russian twist"

    This exercise can be used effectively to work the oblique abdominal muscles.


    1. Take the starting position: sit down, bend your knees, tilt your body a little back, cross your arms and stretch them out in front of you.
    2. Perform 15 body turns to the right and left sides.
    3. Pause for a minute to rest and perform 4 more approaches.


    This exercise is recommended for people to do at the very beginning of the training process. It will help strengthen the abdominal muscles in the lower part, preparing you for heavier loads.

    The correct way to draw is this:

    1. Sit on a gymnastic mat lying with your back down.
    2. Extend your arms along your body.
    3. Raise your right leg up (this position will be the starting position).
    4. Simulate drawing feet in the air with numbers from 0 to 9 (each should be “drawn” about 3-4 times).
    5. Lower your right leg down, rest for 30 seconds and perform a similar “drawing” with your left leg.

    Number of episodes: 3-4.

    Bringing your knees to your chest on a fitball

    • We place our legs up to the shins on a gymnastic ball.
    • Your arms are fully straightened and in a push-up position, with your palms on the floor.
    • We tense our stomach and smoothly tighten our lower torso. As a result, your knees should be close to your sternum and the ball should be at hip level.
    • We hold the accepted position for a couple of moments, then straighten up, rolling the fitball back.

    Features of training

    When working on the lower abdominal muscles, the main thing is endurance and perseverance, because to achieve results, a bodybuilder needs to perform the maximum number of repetitions. Do at least 20 repetitions in 3 sets. Also, don't forget to do cardio regularly.

    It is also very important to follow the technique of performing the exercises. Otherwise, you may get a back injury. If during exercise you feel severe pain in this part of the body, it is better to stop exercising and consult a doctor.

    The dominant role is given to breathing. All loads should be done while exhaling, and relaxing while inhaling.

    As with other muscle groups, you don’t need to immediately start with very complex complexes and work until exhaustion. Choose a few exercises that are most comfortable for you, and gradually increase the number of repetitions and use weights.

    Lower abdominal exercises for girls

    In women, the problem of sagging lower abdomen and sides is more common. This is due to the fact that the reproductive organs are located here. Therefore, excess fat around the waist is a potential protection for the baby in the womb. But a girl can achieve pumping of her lower abs at home with the help of the following exercises:

    1. Twisting. Sit on the floor, legs straight, arms near your body. Move your legs up, keeping them together, creating a 90-degree angle with your upper body. Then begin lifting your pelvis, tilting your legs towards your head. Slowly lower your lower limbs.
    2. Keeping your legs hanging. Sit on a hard surface, do not bend your legs, place your hands near your body. Raise your legs a little and hold this position. First for 15 seconds, gradually increasing this interval.
    3. Vacuum. The exercise requires the most precise technique and is a very effective way to quickly pump up your lower abs. Kneel down with your outstretched arms on the floor and your back parallel to the floor. Inhale through your mouth until your stomach “sticks” to your ribs. Hold your breath for ten seconds and then exhale.
    4. Scissors. An exercise familiar from childhood. For good results, perform it in a large amplitude, very quickly. Lie on the floor, arms along your body. Raise your legs a little and begin to spread them apart and bring them together.
    5. Bike. Make circular movements with your legs, imitating the rotation of the pedal. Place your hands behind your head and lift yourself up slightly. Do not raise your legs too high from the floor; the higher they are, the less effect.
    6. Leg raises on the horizontal bar for girls. Grab the bar with your hands and relax your body. Slowly raise your straight legs to a right angle, hold for ten seconds and slowly lower.

    If you approach these exercises conscientiously, then they will be enough for you to thoroughly dry your tummy.

    Exercises for men

    If you have just started working on your lower abdominal muscles, you should start with the previous set of exercises. Then for a man , especially if the goal is to draw cubes.

    1. Twisting. Position yourself on the floor with your knees bent and your feet secured with the help of a partner or equipment. Lift your body up without helping yourself with your hands. round your back a little. To enhance the effect, place a barbell plate on your chest and hold it with your hands.
    2. Reverse crunches. Lie on the floor, pressing your lower back. Tighten your lower abs and swing your legs up to a right angle. Then move your pelvis up and freeze for a few seconds.
    3. Raising legs on the horizontal bar. The technique is the same as in the women's complex. Only the stronger sex can use leg weights, as well as raise their legs as high as possible to the crossbar.

    Universal abdominal exercises

    There are also several very effective complexes that involve all the abdominal muscles:

    1. Double twist. Sit on a hard surface, bend your knees. Place your hands on the back of your head. Raise your torso and lower limbs at once. Do the exercise slowly and return to the starting position in the same way.
    2. Diagonally twisting. Lie on the floor with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent slightly apart. Place your hands behind your head. Raise your body, trying to reach your left elbow to your right knee and vice versa.
    3. Folded book. Sit on the floor, legs straight, arms straight up. At the same time, lift your body and lower limbs, trying to reach your head to your knees.

    Thus, to pump up the lower abdomen, you need to pay enough attention to nutrition and training. If some exercises seem very difficult to you, or, on the contrary, are easy, choose more suitable ones for yourself. Exercise regularly, at least 3 times a week, and the results will not be long in coming.

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    Hanging Leg Raises

    • Let's hang on the crossbar. The arms are fully straightened and positioned shoulder-width apart.
    • The back should be straight.
    • We tense our stomach and slowly raise our straightened legs until they assume a position parallel to the surface.
    • We hold this position for a couple of seconds, then slowly lower our legs.
    • The exercise is performed smoothly, slowly. The body should not swing during the process.

    Causes of abdominal enlargement

    The lower abdomen increases for two reasons. The first one is quite obvious.

    Lower belly fat

    The belly increases in size due to fat deposits, that's all. You should know that it is impossible to get rid of fat in one particular part of the body. Belly fat won't magically disappear, even if it's advertised in a slimming belt commercial.

    Unfortunately, the lower abdomen is one of the last areas to lose fat. He is very stubborn at this point. This is especially true for women, since they are hormonally predisposed to accumulate fat on the sides, thighs and lower abdomen.

    “Struggle with residual fat in the lower abdomen?

    Losing those last few pounds is like a separate weight loss program.

    Therefore, if the question is how to burn lower belly fat , then the answer is: control your calorie intake and do exercise . If there are no results, then you may need to follow a different training program, increase the intensity of your training, or make your diet even stricter.

    We recommend diets that are low in carbohydrates and high in monounsaturated fat . Research conducted by the Reina Sofia University Hospital in Cordoba, Spain, found that a diet rich in monounsaturated fats is more effective at burning belly fat than a diet high in carbohydrates.

    Foods high in monounsaturated fats include:

    • olives and olive oil
    • rapeseed oil
    • nuts and nut butter
    • sesame, flaxseed
    • avocado
    • dark chocolate

    A diet that includes many of these foods is called the Mediterranean diet . Based on Mediterranean cuisine, it helps you lose belly fat by eating delicious foods.

    For more effective fat burning, the diet should be accompanied by physical exercise.

    Short, high-intensity workouts have been proven to burn fat very effectively .

    A quick and effective way to burn fat is HIIT training. Simply choose your favorite exercise and, instead of doing it at a steady pace for a long time, do it for a short session, rest briefly, and then repeat 8-10 times.

    Incorrect posture

    The second, not so obvious reason for an enlarged belly is incorrect posture. The abdomen may bulge because the pelvis protrudes too far forward and downward. Therefore, the stomach may appear larger than it actually is. There are exercises aimed at improving posture.

    Lower Abs Workout

    Once you've lost lower belly fat and improved your posture, it's time to train your abs. Working out your lower abs will give your muscles tone and definition.

    Exercises for the lower abs

    Perform the exercises shown in this video to pump up your abdominal muscles as effectively as possible.

    Nutrition when doing lower abdominal exercises for girls

    A well-designed set of exercises works provided that the rules, technique, training schedule, etc. are strictly followed. But many girls forget about such a serious point as nutrition. To achieve the “flat tummy” effect, you first need to reduce the amount of fat accumulated. Only after this can you work on pumping your muscles and forming a beautiful relief. There are three basic rules for losing weight in terms of nutrition:

    • To lose weight, we cut down our total daily caloric intake. It is enough to “remove” from 300 to 600 kilocalories. If a person has consumed a critically large amount of calories every day for a long time, then it is necessary to reduce it gradually. Every two to three weeks we take away 500 kcal. Sudden “calorie” changes create stress for the body.
    • We carefully monitor BZHU or the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in food. For a girl with average physical shape, 1 kilogram of weight should include 2.5 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fat and 2 grams of protein. With an increase in muscle mass, energy consumption also increases - it is important to take this point into account when compiling a diet in the process of pumping up the lower abs.
    • Elimination of harmful foods from the diet. The “prohibited” list includes: alcoholic products, sweets, fatty foods, flour products. It is necessary to “moderate your appetites”, not only by eliminating junk food, but also by reducing portions. Switching to proper nutrition will normalize your metabolism, making the process of fat burning and muscle development much more efficient.

    Lower abs are a “sore topic” for most modern girls. But with our tips and selected exercises, in a short time you will begin to look at yourself in the mirror with great pleasure.

    Exercises for the lower abdomen

    Training the lower abdominal muscles involves lifting your legs from various positions. Therefore, almost all exercises can be called exactly that. For training, you can use dynamic, static and isometric exercises.


    No matter how funny it may sound, laughter actively engages all the abdominal muscles. You've probably noticed that after long bouts of laughter, your abdominal muscles might ache. The bottom part also works. So laugh more often. It's useful in every way.

    And we're not kidding. If your muscles hurt after laughing, it means they worked.

    Statics and isometry

    Isometric exercises involve contracting muscles without moving the joints. That is, the body position remains static, but you purposefully strain the target muscle. Statics in the general sense of the word is the long-term retention of muscles in a contracted position. When training your abs, these techniques allow you to strengthen your muscles, create more defined abs, and learn to feel and control how your muscles work.

    You can strain your abs in front of a mirror in two ways:

    • Briefly with maximum contraction of the abdominal muscles.
    • Maintaining tension in the entire abdominal muscle area for a long time. We do not develop maximum effort.

    Isometric exercises have long been known as an additional way to pump up all the muscles. By maximizing short-term tension, the peak force can be increased. And due to long-term static loads, greater relief can be achieved. After all, you need to be able to tighten the abs on your stomach correctly. Experiment in front of a mirror. You will see for yourself that over time, such posing will bring your abs to better condition.

    If we talk about isometrics, when you want to achieve maximum contraction, you need to use stops. For example, a heavy cabinet with legs or a bed. Let's take a closer look at the technique:

    1. Lay down a polymer mat and eliminate all drafts in the room.
    2. We lie on our back with our feet against the supports. We secure the feet under a support (wardrobe, bed). To make this possible, there must be a distance between the heavy object and the floor.
    3. We put our hands behind our heads. You can bend your legs slightly at the knees. We are trying to lift a heavy object using the abdominal muscles.
    4. You should feel the tension in the lower abdomen and slightly in the pelvic area.
    5. If you were able to lift the object, this weight will not work for you. You must achieve maximum tension. And when you pick up an object, you have a certain reserve of strength. The point of the exercise is lost.
    6. If you manage to tense your abs as much as possible, hold in this state for 2–3 seconds. Then relax. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.
    7. In subsequent workouts, the tension time can be increased to 5–10 seconds.

    You will see and feel the results - your abs will become firmer and stronger.

    And here is an effective version of statics. The exercise can be performed on the sofa or bed. You can lay out a fitness mat:

    1. We lie down on our backs. You can place your hands under the pelvis (this is an easier option, which is more suitable for a girl than a man), or leave it behind your head (a more difficult option).
    2. At the same time, raise both legs to an angle of 45 degrees relative to the floor or bed line. Keep them like this for as long as possible. You can bend your legs slightly at the knees and cross your feet better. At the same time, we do not bend the lower back - it is pressed to the floor.
    3. We recommend holding this position for 30–60 seconds. After this, rest for about a minute and repeat the exercise.
    4. The result will be firmer lower abs, a smaller belly, and greater muscle endurance.

    Dynamic exercises on the mat

    The options we give below are perfect for girls. And for men, we also recommend more difficult methods of pumping the lower abs (they will be discussed later). These exercises combined with diet will help you get rid of belly fat quickly.

    Always remember that when raising your legs while lying on the floor, you should not arch your lower back. She remains pressed to the mat.

    Raising the body with raised legs

    1. We lie on our backs on the mat, with our hands behind our heads or on our chests.
    2. Raise your crossed legs to an angle of 45 degrees and leave them in that position.
    3. At the same time, we begin to raise the body as much as possible. We do 15–30 repetitions. Let's rest. You need to perform 3 approaches with breaks of 30–60 seconds.

    By raising your legs, your lower abdominals are activated very well.


    1. We stretch our arms straight behind our heads. We lie on our backs.
    2. At the same time, we begin to raise the torso and legs. Your task is to “fold”, that is, touch your knees with your hands and take the starting position.
    3. For weights, we recommend not lowering yourself completely onto the mat - this will keep more tension in your abdominal muscles.
    4. We make 15–30 folds, rest for 30–60 seconds. 2 approaches are enough. Can be done quickly.

    Both exercises work the entire abs.

    Simultaneous and alternate raising of legs from a lying position

    1. We lie on our backs. Raise one leg to 45–60 degrees and lower it. Then we raise the other one.
    2. If you decide to lift both legs at once, you can place your hands under your pelvis (this will make the exercise easier for the girl). It is better for men to hold their heads with their hands.
    3. You can make the exercise heavier and keep your heels off the mat.
    4. We do 15-30 times in 2-3 approaches.

    Dynamic exercises on the horizontal bar or parallel bars

    Each of you can hang a horizontal bar at home. Bars are a more complex topic that requires the installation of a Swedish wall. The option of swinging the press on the uneven bars and horizontal bar is a little more difficult than lying on the mat and is well suited for men.

    Let's take a closer look at the exercises for the lower abs on the horizontal bar:

    1. We take the crossbar with a direct grip. If you are standing on the floor while holding the bar, bend your legs so that they do not touch the floor.
    2. We begin to raise our legs until they are parallel to the floor. You can linger at the top point for 1–2 seconds.
    3. We lower our legs back. We make sure that the body does not sway. If this happens, under no circumstances should we lift our legs out of inertia - this is cheating.
    4. We repeat the exercise 10–15 times in 2–3 approaches.
    5. If you want to lift weights, purchase leg weights of different weights. If you don’t have enough money for this, use 0.5 liter bottles and make weights from them. You will need to secure them around the ankle. Instead of bottles, you can hold a dumbbell or a weight plate between your feet. Then reduce the number of repetitions to 10.

    If you have a wall bars, you can purchase an incline bench. In normal times, the bench will serve as an additional sofa for you. And during training, help pump up your abs. You need to hang the bench so that the inclination relative to the floor is 30–60 degrees. The greater the angle, the more load your lower abs will receive:

    1. We lie down on a bench attached to the wall. We grab the crossbar of the wall bars with our hands so as not to slide down.
    2. Raise both legs at the same time to an angle of 90 degrees with the body. We hold this position for 1-2 seconds and lower our legs back.
    3. 10-15 reps in 3 sets is a great option. You can use weights for this exercise.

    On the same wall bars, you can do another option for raising your legs - alternately lifting your legs with a weight while standing:

    1. You hang the weights. Hold the wall bars with your hand (or a closet, a regular wall).
    2. One leg will act as a support. And the second straightened leg needs to be raised forward and up 90 degrees. We stay in this position and return the leg back.
    3. For each leg you need to perform 15-20 repetitions.

    This version of the exercise is suitable for those who have neither a wall nor a horizontal bar.

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